- Open Architecture based ITC research. 智能交通信號控制系統的開(kāi)放體系研究。
- Design an open architecture based ITC. 信號控制機設計實(shí)踐。
- In this open architecture, the user can define signal-based instrument drivers, and interchangeability or new instrument driver can be implemented by configuring the database. 在該體系結構中,用戶(hù)可以自行定義面向信號的儀器驅動(dòng)器,并通過(guò)數據庫配置實(shí)現儀器的互換或新儀器的添加。
- They have been readily adopted by both the open source and open architecture communities. 它們很快為開(kāi)放源碼和開(kāi)放架構社區所采納。
- The open architecture of MOE enables various functional modules to work together by utilizing its script language SVL. 對于實(shí)現其大部分功能的腳本語(yǔ)言SVL做了簡(jiǎn)要描述。
- The PC-based Open Architecture servo-control system has been the inexorable trend in the field of CNC technique. 基于PC的開(kāi)放式伺服控制系統已成為當前CNC技術(shù)發(fā)展的必然趨勢。
- Firstly, Collegiate learningics is open architecture, and may absorb research production of multidisciplinary for use. 二是學(xué)習學(xué)與外部的聯(lián)系非常廣泛和密切;
- The Nautilus uses an open architecture to support replacement components and newer technologies. 鸚鵡螺采用開(kāi)放式架構設計,支持采用新型元件和技術(shù)升級。
- Functional Tester has provided both its own direct support, as well as support for other auxiliary products through its open architecture. Functional Tester提供其兩個(gè)自身直接的支援,以及透過(guò)其開(kāi)放的架構對其他輔助產(chǎn)品的支援。
- Open architecture In computer system design, the ability to allow for extra peripherals in order to expand the system at any time in the future. 開(kāi)放式結構在將來(lái)擴展系統時(shí),可以增加周邊裝置的電腦系統設計。
- Open architecture: In computer system design, the ability to allow for extra peripherals in order to expand the system at any time in the future. 開(kāi)放式結構:在將來(lái)擴展系統時(shí),可以增加周邊裝置的電腦系統設計。
- Research on GFAC and FLASK, presents an access control model frame suitable for ERTOS, this frame has open architecture and is easy to extend. 研究GFAC和FLASK框架,設計適合嵌入式操作系統的訪(fǎng)問(wèn)控制模型實(shí)現框架,該框架易于擴展,具有開(kāi)放性;
- Open source system developed in special model,so that it owned many virtues:open architecture,good extensibility,low costs,etc. 開(kāi)放式源代碼系統由于其獨特的發(fā)展模式,使它具有很多優(yōu)點(diǎn):開(kāi)放的體系架構,可擴展性強,費用低廉等。
- The modularize and open architecture make this system can he used to control rotational gamma knife for head by reducing several modules. 模塊化設計結構,使得這種系統經(jīng)過(guò)適當變換就可以適用于頭部伽瑪刀或其他醫療設備的控制。
- Nowadays, open architecture controller and fieldbus for motion control are the hotspots in the area of numerical control system. 當前,在數控系統研究領(lǐng)域中,開(kāi)放結構控制器技術(shù)和運動(dòng)控制現場(chǎng)總線(xiàn)技術(shù)是國內外研究的熱點(diǎn)。
- JIRA has open architecture and a plug-in API and lots of plug-ins. If JIRA doesn't do something, you might find a plug-in for that. jira有開(kāi)放的插件api體系和一大堆插件。如果jira不能支持某個(gè)功能,你或者可以找到一個(gè)插件可以支持的。
- An open architecture numerical control of incising and milling machine tool system based on PC and PMAC motion control was developed . 基于PC+PMAC運動(dòng)控制器開(kāi)發(fā)了開(kāi)放式數控雕銑機系統,介紹了該系統軟、硬件組成和實(shí)現方法。
- The driver was shot out of the open car as it crashed. 那輛敞篷汽車(chē)撞車(chē)時(shí)把司機拋出車(chē)外。
- Consequently, on studying on the IVI architecture, we propose a new open architecture to implement instrument interchangeability. 為此,本文對IVI的儀器互換機制進(jìn)行了研究,并在此基礎上提出了一種基于開(kāi)放式體系結構的儀器互換性實(shí)現方法。
- Open architecture for OSACA and the composition of platform software is stated and it is also analyzed how to develop an application software. 介紹了OSACA開(kāi)放結構規范及其平臺軟件的各組成部分.;并分析了其應用軟件的開(kāi)發(fā)方式