- 印度兵變期間(1957)美軍被包圍。the British were besieged during the Indian Mutiny (1857).
- 第一國際(1864-1876)the First I-
- 《邊城》(編導:謝曉詠[1957--]、王端儀[1946--]、王小元[1955--];"The Remote Town"was choreographed by Xie Xiaoyong (1957- ), Wang Duanyi (1946- ) and Wang Xiaoyuan (1955- ).
- 寶鋼1876名高齡職工健康普查報告Health mass survey on 1876 aged staff and workers of Shanghai Baoshan Iron and Steel Company
- 諾爾曼,約翰·馮1903-1957匈牙利裔美國數學(xué)家,他致力于研究過(guò)程論和控制論,并有相當貢獻Hungarian-born American mathematician who contributed to the game theory and cybernetics.
- 論1876至1879年間西方新教傳教士的對華賑濟事業(yè)Reliei Effoits of Western Christan Missionaries in China from 1876 to 1879
- 在1957-1958年,參加國際地球物理年科學(xué)家們才開(kāi)始揭開(kāi)這塊荒無(wú)人跡土地的神秘面紗。Scientists participating in the International Geophysical Year, 1957-58, began to unlock the secrets of this desolate land.
- 在一戰中(1876-1917)一個(gè)荷蘭舞女因作德國間諜被法國處死的人。Dutch dancer who was executed by the French as a German spy in World War I (1876-1917).
- 在1957--1958年,參加國際地球物理年的科學(xué)家們才開(kāi)始揭開(kāi)這塊荒無(wú)人跡土地的神秘面紗。Scientists participating in the International Geophysical Year, 1957-58, began to unlock the secrets of this desolate lands.
- 諾爾曼,約翰 馮1903-1957匈牙利裔美國數學(xué)家,他致力于研究過(guò)程論和控制論,并有相當貢獻Hungarian - born American mathematician who contributed to the game theory and cybernetics.
- 她的文筆堅定、纖柔、有趣而成熟,立刻使讀者想到威拉·凱瑟(1876-1947)。Firm, feminine, amused, mature, her writing reminds the reader at once of Willa Cather(1876-1947).
- 朗繆爾,歐文1881-1957美國化學(xué)家,以其在表面化學(xué)方面的工作而獲得1932年的諾貝爾獎American chemist. He won a1932 Nobel Prize for his work in surface chemistry.
- 她的文筆堅定、纖柔、有趣而成熟,立刻使讀者想到威拉·凱瑟(1876-1947)。Firm, feminine, amused, mature, her writing reminds the reader at once of Willa Cather (1876-1947) .
- 麥克勞德,約翰 詹姆斯 理查德1876-1935英國心理學(xué)家,因發(fā)現胰島素獲得1923年諾貝爾獎British physiologist.He shared a1923Nobel Prize for the discovery of insulin.
- 溫道斯,阿道夫1876-1959德國化學(xué)家,因研究固醇及固醇與維生素的聯(lián)系獲1928年諾貝爾獎German chemist. He won a1928 Nobel Prize for conducting research on sterols and their connection with vitamins.
- 番茄(Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.1754)是一種世界性經(jīng)濟作物,在蔬菜供應中占有舉足輕重的地位(Warnock 1988,Atherton 1989,沈德緒1957)。Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Miii. 1754) is world economic crop and has important place in vegetable production (Warnock 1988, Atherton 1989, Dexu Shen 1957).
- 布雷格,布拉克斯頓1817-1876美國內戰時(shí)期南部聯(lián)盟將軍,在查塔努加戰役時(shí)被擊?。?863年)。American Confederate general in the Civil War who was defeated in the Chattanooga Campaign(1863).
- 伍德伯里,海倫 勞拉 薩姆納1876-1933美國社會(huì )經(jīng)濟學(xué)家,以其對于勞動(dòng)和婦女選舉權的研究而著(zhù)名American social economist noted for her studies of labor and woman suffrage.
- 伍德伯里,海倫·勞拉·薩姆納1876-1933美國社會(huì )經(jīng)濟學(xué)家,以其對于勞動(dòng)和婦女選舉權的研究而著(zhù)名American social economist noted for her studies of labor and woman suffrage.