- 外爾,(C.H.)H.(1885-1955)Claude Hugo Hermann Weyl (1885~1955)
- (1802-1885)法國浪漫主義運動(dòng)的領(lǐng)導者。(1802-1885) leader of the romantic movement in France.
- 盧圖利,A.J.M.(1898-1967)Albert John Mvumbi Luthuli (1898~1967)
- 瑪麗·洛朗森(1885-1956):《林中婦人》(1920)Marie Laurencin (1885--1956): Women in the Forest, 1920
- 在1967 年他們蒙受了更大的恥辱。They were dealt an even worse humiliation in 1967.
- 第18屆美國總統;美國內戰時(shí)期聯(lián)合軍的司令員(1822-1885)the 18th President of the United States; commander of the Union armies in the American Civil War (1822-1885)
- GB/T1006-1967白熾燈燈座型式、基本參數與尺寸"Types, fundamental parameters and dimensions of holders for incandescent lamps"
- 第18屆美國總統;美國內戰時(shí)期聯(lián)合軍的司令員(1822-1885)。18th President of the United States; commander of the Union armies in the American Civil War (1822-1885).
- 夢(mèng)想 郎斯頓·休斯(1902-1967) 王道余譯Dreams by Langston Hughes (1902-1967)
- (1904-1967)在洛斯阿拉默斯指導了研制第一枚原子彈工程的美國物理學(xué)家。American physicist who directed the project at Los Alamos that developed the first atomic bomb (1904-1967).
- 退思園建于清光緒十一年至十三年(公元1885-1887年),2001年退思園被聯(lián)合國教科文組織正式列入世界文化遺產(chǎn)名錄。Tuisi Garden was listed as a World Cultural Heritage site by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in 2001.
- 老年人1967例健康體檢靜脈血血細胞多參數測定結果分析Multiparameter results analysis for determination of venous blood cells from 1967 elderly healty examination
- 赫維西,格奧爾格 馮1885-1966匈牙利化學(xué)家。他因發(fā)展了關(guān)于同位素用作調查化學(xué)過(guò)程的示蹤技術(shù)的應用而獲得1943年諾貝爾獎Hungarian chemist.He won a1943Nobel Prize for developing the use of isotopes as tracers to investigate chemical processes.
- 史蒂夫·里奇和他的《鋼琴相位》(Piano Phase,1967)Steve Reich and His Piano Phase
- 在印度的旁遮普邦,1967-1972年之間打了成千上萬(wàn)口灌溉用井。In India's punjab, thousands of irrigation wells were dug between 1967 and 1972
- 尼米茲,切斯特·威廉1885-1966二次世界大戰期間美國太平洋海軍元帥,阻止了日軍的擴張并最終以大規模使用航空母艦的戰術(shù)摧毀了日本海軍American admiral of the Pacific fleet during World War II who halted Japanese expansion and ultimately destroyed the Japanese fleet with a strategy based largely on the use of aircraft carriers.
- 赫維西,格奧爾格·馮1885-1966匈牙利化學(xué)家。他因發(fā)展了關(guān)于同位素用作調查化學(xué)過(guò)程的示蹤技術(shù)的應用而獲得1943年諾貝爾獎Hungarian chemist.He won a1943Nobel Prize for developing the use of isotopes as tracers to investigate chemical processes.
- 對于復雜臨床資料的處理,Feinstein(1967;1977a)已經(jīng)作了精辟的討論。The approach to complex clinical data has been artfully discussed by Feinstcin(1967; 1977a)
- 安全理事會(huì )一致通過(guò)了關(guān)于在中東建立公正持久和平的第242(1967)號決議。The Security Council unanimously approved resolution 242(1967)concerning the establishment of a just and lasting peace in the Middle East.