- Ochiai關(guān)聯(lián)度指數Ochiai association index
- maupasi Enriques,1908的同物異名;, 1965 and Paracolpoda maupasi (Enriques, 1908) Lynn, 1975 could be regarded as synonyms of C.
- 第22屆和24屆美國總統(1837-1908)。22nd and 24th President of the United States (1837-1908).
- 基于方差分析、X2檢驗、Ochiai指數、Dice 指數和Jaccard指數等系列技術(shù),測定了重慶四面山次生灌叢12個(gè)主要種群間的總體相關(guān)性,各種對間聯(lián)結顯著(zhù)性和關(guān)聯(lián)強度.With the use of a series of techniques , the interspecif ic association among the 12 dominant populations from the secondary shrub of mountain Simian in Chongqing was quantitatively studied. The analysis of variance was used for the explanation of the overall association of all the species; x2 -test for the interpretation of the notebility and quality of interspecific assoc iation;
- 第36屆美國總統;被選為副總統并當肯尼迪遇刺后繼任肯尼迪(1908-1973)。36th President of the United States; was elected Vice President and succeeded Kennedy when Kennedy was assassinated (1908-1973).
- Davenport(1908)和Bruce(1910)提出顯性假說(shuō),Shull(1908)和East(1908)提出超顯性假說(shuō)。Davenport (1908) and Bruce (1910) brought forward the dominance hypothesis, and almost at the same time Shull (1908) and East (1908) took out their over-dominance hypothesis.
- 1908奧運會(huì )期間,埃希爾貝特-塔爾博特主教在為運動(dòng)員布道時(shí)的講話(huà)被顧拜旦采用,成為奧林匹克信條。Pierre de Coubertin got the creed from a speech given by Bishop Ethelbert Talbot at a service for Olympic champions during the 1908 Olympic Games.
- 它于1904、1908和1920年重現奧運會(huì )體壇,但此后又銷(xiāo)聲匿跡了一段時(shí)間,直到1972年才得到恢復。It returned in 1904, 1908, and 1920, before vanishing until 1972.
- 利比,威拉德·弗蘭克1908-1980美國化學(xué)家,因研制出放射性碳測年代技術(shù)而獲得1960年諾貝爾獎。American chemist. He won a1960 Nobel Prize for developing the method of radiocarbon dating.
- 默羅,愛(ài)德華·羅(斯考)1908-1965美國廣播記者,因其在二戰期間有過(guò)來(lái)自倫敦的激動(dòng)人心的真實(shí)報道而廣為人知American broadcast journalist noted for his dramatic factual reports from London during World War II.
- 利比,威拉德·弗蘭克1908-1980美國化學(xué)家,因研制出放射性碳測年代技術(shù)而獲得1960年諾貝爾獎American chemist.He won a1960Nobel Prize for developing the method of radiocarbon dating.
- 哪個(gè)城市獲得1908夏季奧運會(huì )舉辦權,但由于1906年維蘇威火山爆發(fā)毀滅性破壞而不得不放棄并由倫敦舉辦。Which city was originally awarded the1908 Summer Games,but had to relinquish it to London after the costly destruction caused by the1906 eruption of Mt. Vesuvius?
- 朗道,萊夫·達維多維奇1908-1968原蘇聯(lián)物理學(xué)家。因為他在低溫物理學(xué)上的貢獻,獲得了1962年諾貝爾獎Soviet physicist. He won a1962 Nobel Prize for his contributions to low-temperature physics.
- 克拉斯納,李1908-1984美國藝術(shù)家,以她自然、示意性的繪畫(huà)方式而聞名。她是抽象表現主義紐約學(xué)派的一位創(chuàng )立者American artist known for her spontaneous,gestural approach to painting.She was a founder of the New York School of abstract expressionism.
- 查普曼:美國鳥(niǎo)類(lèi)學(xué)家,曾任紐約市的美國自然歷史博物館館長(cháng)(1908-1942年),并編著(zhù)了一系列鳥(niǎo)類(lèi)研究著(zhù)作,包括《北美洲鳥(niǎo)類(lèi)的色標》(1903年)"Chapman:american ornithologist who was curator of ornithology (1908-1942) at the american Museum of Natural History in New York City and compiled a number of bird studies, including a Color Key to North american Birds (1903)."
- 二十世紀五十年代,瑞士藝術(shù)家馬克思·比爾(Max Bill,1908-94)進(jìn)一步發(fā)展了“具體藝術(shù)”(與“抽象藝術(shù)”相對)的形式,使之更加流行。In the 1950s, Swiss artist Max Bill (1908-94) further developed and popularized the style "Concrete Art" (as opposed to "abstract").
- 進(jìn)步運動(dòng)在Urdu小說(shuō)得勢在Sajjad Zaheer 1905-1976,Ahmed阿里1912-1994,Mahmood-uz-Zafar 1908-1994并且Rasheed Jahan 1905-1952之下。The Progressive Movement in Urdu fiction gained momentum under Sajjad Zaheer 1905-1976 CE, Ahmed Ali 1912-1994 CE, Mahmood-uz- Zafar 1908-1994 CE and Rasheed Jahan 1905-1952 CE.
- 加爾布雷思,約翰·肯尼思生于1908加拿大裔的美國經(jīng)濟學(xué)家、外交家,曾任駐印度美國大使,作品包括大撞擊和富裕的社會(huì )(1958年)Canadian-born American economist, writer, and diplomat who served as U.S. ambassador to India(1961-1963). His works include The Great Crash(1955) and The Affluent Society(1958).
- 美國鳥(niǎo)類(lèi)學(xué)家(1908-1942)曾在紐約擔任美國自然歷史博物館的鳥(niǎo)類(lèi)學(xué)的館長(cháng),并且編寫(xiě)一定數量的鳥(niǎo)類(lèi)研究,包括《北美洲的一把顏色鑰匙》(1903)American ornithologist who was curator of ornithology(1908-1942) at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City and compiled a number of bird studies,including A Color Key to North American Birds(1903)
- 加爾布雷思,約翰·肯尼思生于1908加拿大裔的美國經(jīng)濟學(xué)家、作家、外交家,曾任駐印度美國大使,作品包括大撞擊(1955年)和富裕的社會(huì )(1958年)。Canadian-born American economist,writer,and diplomat who served as U.S. ambassador to India(1961-1963). His works include The Great Crash(1955) and The Affluent Society(1958).