- A spokesman for the observer mission said the checkpoint is located in the Georgian city of Gori region northwest. 觀(guān)察團一名發(fā)言人說(shuō),這座檢查站位于格魯吉亞重鎮哥里西北方向地區。
- Kush, said the ministers also approved the deployment of an observer mission in Georgia. 庫什內稱(chēng),部長(cháng)們還批準向格魯吉亞部署一個(gè)觀(guān)察團。
- The head of the U.N. Observer Mission in Georgia, Johan Verbeke, said the parties also engaged in in-depth political discussions. 聯(lián)合國格魯吉亞任務(wù)觀(guān)察小組負責人沃爾貝克說(shuō),與會(huì )各方還進(jìn)行了深度的政治討論。
- In the north of the city of Gori region Kalalaidi checkpoint, a Russian soldier said, the EU Observer Mission, where another patrol from entering the buffer zone. 在哥里市以北卡拉萊蒂地區檢查站,一名俄軍士兵說(shuō),歐盟觀(guān)察團另外一支巡邏隊已從那里進(jìn)入緩沖區。
- But, as they hope to do in Venezuela, they are relying on an OAS observer mission, in the hope that it will neutralise the apparent control of the electoral authority by Mr Ortega and his allies. 然而,就如同他們希望在委內瑞拉所做的那樣,他們正依賴(lài)于OAS的觀(guān)察團,希望它能牽制奧爾特加及其盟友對選舉當局顯而易見(jiàn)的控制。
- The move comes in support of a Lebanese proposal to have Israeli troops hand over their current positions in southern Lebanon to the U.N. observer mission, UNIFIL, as they withdraw. 此行動(dòng)源于支持尼巴嫩的一項建議,使以軍交出他們在南部地區所占領(lǐng)的地區,并在撤出時(shí)將它們移交給聯(lián)合國觀(guān)察團。
- Georgia in a European Union observer mission said that South Ossetia near a Russian military checkpoints have been demolished, the checkpoint at the Ali area of the north-west of the town of Gori. 一名在格魯吉亞執行任務(wù)的歐盟觀(guān)察員表示,靠近南奧塞梯的一個(gè)俄軍檢查站已被拆除,該檢查站位于阿里地區戈里鎮的西北面。
- Those who serve in military observer missions are almost invariably unarmed. 履行軍事觀(guān)察員使命的人員幾乎一律不準攜帶武器。
- United Nations Observer Mission in Rwanda 聯(lián)合國盧旺達觀(guān)察團(聯(lián)盧觀(guān)察團)
- France took neutral policy with caution toward the conflict between China and Britain during the first Opium War and sent an observation mission heading by Dubois de Jancigny to China on Apr. 1841. 摘要第一次鴉片戰爭中,法國對中英沖突采取了謹慎的中立政策,并于1841年4月派出以真盛意為首的觀(guān)察團前往中國進(jìn)行觀(guān)察。
- It seemed to be her mission to care for her brother's children. 照顧她兄弟的孩子似乎成了她一生的使命。
- United Nations military observer mission to Sierra Leone 聯(lián)合國塞拉利昂軍事觀(guān)察團
- Her mission was to reclaim former criminals. 她的任務(wù)是感化過(guò)去的罪犯。
- An official mission was sent to settle the dispute. 一個(gè)官方使團被派去解決爭端。
- Having the back showing or in view of the observer. 背面的顯露出背面的或背對觀(guān)察者的
- Of course, it was an unprecedented mission. 當然有,這可是一項空前的任務(wù)呢。
- The doctor works at the mission. 那醫生在貧民教區工作。
- They sent her there as an observer. 他們派她去那做觀(guān)察員。
- They have accomplished their mission successfully. 他們成功地完成了任務(wù)。
- His mission bristled with difficulties. 他的使命困難重重。