- He smokes opium and drinks wine from day to day. 他天天抽鴉片、喝酒。
- opium and belladonna 鴉片和顛茄
- R o b i n s o n k r e u t z n a e r . 佛蘭德;歐洲舊地名;包括現在比利時(shí)北部和荷蘭西南部.
- Sidney Watkins M 。D 。, F 。R 。C 。S 。, O 。B 。E 。(b. ), 共同地以著(zhù)名 Sid 教授 , 是世界顯耀 FIA 安全代表和醫療代表, 頭 在軌道醫療隊, 和第一臺反應器在崩潰的情況下。
- W will ry our bs o b your bs a mos rassurig parrs a vlop oghr wih you. 我們將努力做貴公司最好,最放心的合作伙伴,共同發(fā)展!
- Th isrucio from FD121-2510 of Ui Sa says “Th BOPS is saf o b us o foo as pars a coair. 安全要求符合國外標準,并且美國FD121-2510指出:“BOPS用做食品接觸的部件或器皿是安全的”。
- For mor iformaio, plas fl fr o coac us ,W ar plas o b iquir abou our proucs, lookig forwar o your comig. 我廠(chǎng)始終奉行“誠信為本,真誠合作”的經(jīng)營(yíng)理念,強化產(chǎn)品品牌意識,堅持以市場(chǎng)為導向,以質(zhì)量為基礎,以一流的技術(shù),竭誠為廣大客戶(hù)提供最優(yōu)質(zhì)、最完善的產(chǎn)品。
- The first cast in a macro that fails will prevent further casts in the macro as if the 1.5 second g l o b a l cooldown had been triggered. 如果在宏中的第一個(gè)技能施放失敗,宏將會(huì )結束運行。作用機制類(lèi)似于1.;5秒公共冷卻對技能的影響。
- During 1997, 169.5 kilograms of opiate drugs, comprising opium and No.4 heroin, were seized, compared with 309.1 kilograms in 1996. 在一九九七年,本港檢獲鴉片及四號海洛英等鴉片類(lèi)毒品共169.;5公斤,而在一九九六年則為309
- H o w y o u t h i n k a b o u t a p r o b l e m i s m o r e i m p o r t a n t t h a n t h e p r o b l e m i t s e l f - s o a l w a y s t h i n k p o s i t i v e l y . 你 如 何 看 待 問(wèn) 題 比 問(wèn) 題 本 身 更 重 要 , 所 以 一 定 要 樂(lè ) 觀(guān) 思 維 。
- A bitter crystalline alkaloid,C23H27NO8,obtained from opium and formerly used in medicine as a substitute for morphine. 納可藍,那碎因一種苦味結晶狀的堿,C23H27NO8由鴉片中提煉出,從前曾在醫藥中用作嗎啡的替代品。
- Wih wily spra sals brachs i h coury,h has grow o b a mor a gia high-ch rpris wih ri-layr srucur icluig chical R&D cr,girig iy a iusrializaio group,sals a srvic. 歡迎各界朋友來(lái)電來(lái)函咨詢(xún)!
- Some of these drugs have been derived from opium and others have been produced synthetically. 這些毒品有的是從鴉片中得來(lái)的,而其他一些則是合成的。
- In this paper we f irstly analyze t he typical c ascading o utages t o s how the necessity t o b uild t he security defense system and explain it's funct. 文中首先對典型的大停電事故進(jìn)行了分析,提出建立電力安全防御系統的必要性和其應能實(shí)現的功能,其次對系統的運行狀態(tài)進(jìn)行了實(shí)用化的劃分,從而對研究的對象-大停電給出判定標準。
- Who in this world has ever been able to eliminate the abuse of opium and heroin? 吸鴉片煙、吃白面,世界上誰(shuí)能消滅得了?
- A bitter crystalline alkaloid, C23H27NO8, obtained from opium and formerly used in medicine as a substitute for morphine. 納可藍,那碎因一種苦味結晶狀的堿,C23H27NO8由鴉片中提煉出,從前曾在醫藥中用作嗎啡的替代品
- Any of a group of proteins occurring in the brain, with pain-relieving properties typical of opium and related opiates. 分布于腦內的一群蛋白質(zhì),具有像鴉片之類(lèi)麻醉劑一樣解除疼痛的特性。
- Morphine is a white bitter substance obtained from opium and used in medicine to reduce pain. 嗎啡是從鴉片中提煉出的苦味的白色物體, 用作減痛的藥物。
- N o v o b e x, spol. s r.o. 提供:建筑材料,電力,供暖,空調,制冷,空調,建筑工地木工金屬,鋁窗
- During 1997,169.5 kilograms of opiate drugs,comprising opium and No.4 heroin,were seized,compared with 309.1 kilograms in 1996. 在一九九七年,本港檢獲鴉片及四號海洛英等鴉片類(lèi)毒品共169.;5公斤,而在一九九六年則為309