- They assumed the customs of their new country. 他們采用他們新來(lái)到國家的習俗。
- The new country was formed under the political umbrella of the United Nations. 這一新國家是在聯(lián)合國的政治保護下建立起來(lái)的。
- But the new country continued to grow. 但是這個(gè)新國家持續增長(cháng)。
- He assumed the customs of his new country. 他接受了異國的風(fēng)俗習慣。
- Settling in to a new country is fun. 在一個(gè)新的國家中安頓下來(lái),是有意思的。
- Research and suggestion on "the plan of a college students in one village" in the construction of the new country side. 關(guān)于新農村建設培養"一村一名大學(xué)生"的思考。
- He had to accustom himself to the cold weather of his new country. 他必須適應新到國家的寒冷天氣。
- Perhaps you will go now to some new town in some new country. 你現在也許可以到別的新的國家里的新的城鎮去工作。
- In the new country he became absorbed in making a new life for the two of us, so that he gradually ceased to grieve. 在新的國家里,他專(zhuān)心致志地為我倆開(kāi)創(chuàng )一個(gè)新的生活,這樣他漸漸停止了悲痛。
- We should gain a new country and a small, but good army. 我們應該贏(yíng)得一個(gè)新的國家和一支人數不多但卻很精銳的陸軍。
- The Fool is an inextricable part of his master s construct of reality and his livelihood is dependant on its existence. 小丑是他主人的現實(shí)結構中無(wú)法擺脫的一部分,并且他的生活有賴(lài)于現實(shí)結構的存在。
- They may have to endure hostility from others in their new country. 在那個(gè)陌生的國家里,他們也許還不得不忍氣吞聲地受別人的敵視。
- The literator landscape garden s construction already was the universal social phenomenon, which was the epitome of the Tang Dynasty. 文人園林的建造已是當時(shí)普遍的社會(huì )現象,是盛唐氣象的縮影。
- A pre-recorded speech to introduce the new country assistance plan. 托馬斯,發(fā)布了預先錄制的講話(huà),以推介新的國家援助計劃。
- C#'s constructor initializers provide a better alternative. C%23的構造函數初始化器提供了更好的改變。
- They assimilated quite quickly into their new country. 他們在新的國家里很快就被同化了。
- We had a successful attempt in the study of Prestressing Concrete Continuous Rigid Frame Bridge"s construction control skills. 在預應力混凝土連續剛構橋施工控制技術(shù)研究方面,進(jìn)行了一種成功的嘗試。
- Our purpose of life is to serve the new country unconditionally. 而我們生命的使命就是無(wú)條件地為這個(gè)新國家服務(wù)。
- In the end , techniques of geogrid-reinforced embankment" s construction has been researched through substantiality of engineering. 最后結合實(shí)體工程,對土工格柵加筋陡邊坡的施工工藝進(jìn)行了系統研究。