- 隆美爾,E.J.E.(1891-1944)Erwin Johannes Eugen Rommel (1891~1944)
- 肯塔爾,A.T.de(1842-1891)Antero Targuinio de Quental (1842~1891)
- GO模型GO model
- go是個(gè)不規則動(dòng)詞。Go is an irregular verb.
- 班廷,弗雷德里克·格朗1891-1941加拿大生理學(xué)家。因發(fā)現了胰島素而獲1923年諾貝爾獎Canadian physiologist. He shared a1923 Nobel Prize for the discovery of insulin.
- Go/NoGo模型Go/NoGo model
- 班廷,弗雷德里克 格朗1891-1941加拿大生理學(xué)家。因發(fā)現了胰島素而獲1923年諾貝爾獎Canadian physiologist.He shared a1923Nobel Prize for the discovery of insulin.
- 基因本體(GO)gene ontology (CA3)
- 基因本體論(GO)Gene ontology(GO)
- 內爾維,皮爾·盧伊戈1891-1979意大利建筑師和鋼筋混凝土裝飾用途方面的開(kāi)拓者Italian architect and pioneer in the decorative use of reinforced concrete.
- “to go”是動(dòng)詞不定式。To go is an infinitive.
- 據中國海關(guān)統計,今年1-7月,我國共完成進(jìn)出口總額1891.1億美元,比去年同期(下同)增長(cháng)5.4%。According to the statistics of the Chinese Customs,China's import and export totalled 189.11 billion US dollars between January and July of this year,increasing by 5.4%25 as compared to the corresponding period of last year (similarly hereafter).
- 兩個(gè)GO-空間乘積的正規性Normality of Product of Two GO-Spaces
- 據中國海關(guān)統計,今年1--7月,我國共完成進(jìn)出口總額1891.1億美元,比去年同期(下同)增長(cháng)5.4%。According to the statistics of the Chinese Customs, China' s import and export totalled 189.11 billion US dollars between January and July of this year, increasing by 5.4%25 as compared to the corresponding period of last year (similarly hereafter).
- GO-空間乘積正規性的充要條件The Sufficient and Necessary Condition for Normality of Product of Two GO-Spaces
- 洛,戴維 亞歷山大 西爾1891-1963英國政治漫畫(huà)家,他創(chuàng )造了傲慢的布林普上校這個(gè)極端保守分子形象British political cartoonist who created the pompous Colonel Blimp.
- 我們得想辦法go into the house,This is the thief's house.
- 洛,戴維·亞歷山大·西爾1891-1963英國政治漫畫(huà)家,他創(chuàng )造了傲慢的布林普上校這個(gè)極端保守分子形象British political cartoonist who created the pompous Colonel Blimp.
- 他把branch扔在路上, 空著(zhù)手go home.After some time, Silly Simon is very tired.