- 這是Shepen,Mut的木乃伊,她曾一度在梯比斯寺院當過(guò)歌手。The mummy is that of Shepenmut who was once a singer in the Temple of Thebes.
- 1930年代the 1930s
- 甲基丙二酸血癥患兒mut基因兩個(gè)新遺傳突變的發(fā)現和鑒證Molecular analysis of two novel mut gene mutations in chinese patient with methylmalonic academia
- 1920-1930年代1920 - 1930' s
- 這是Shepen,Mut的木乃伊,她曾一度在梯比斯寺院當過(guò)歌手。The mummy is that of Shepenmut who was once a singer in the Temple of Thebes.
- 1930年代小說(shuō)the novels of the 1930' s
- 胡正海(1930-)Hu Zheng-hai (1930-)
- Mut-HPI與改造前的Met-HPI相比,不易被胰酶和羧肽酶B(CPB)降解。Mut-HPI was less easily digested by trypsin and CPB than Met-HPI.
- 《文學(xué)季刊》與1930年代文學(xué)The Literature Quarterly and the Literature in 1930s
- 實(shí)驗結果表明,誘導表達48h后,Mut+和MutS重組子表達的產(chǎn)物在SDS-PAGE膠上都出現了清晰的目的帶。SDS-PAGE results indicated that there was a clear target band in Muts and Mut+ recombinant Culture supernatant after 48 hours culture respectively.
- 1930 年時(shí)他已放棄了馬克思主義信念。By 1930 he had abandoned his Marxist principles.
- (1859-1930)創(chuàng )作了《福爾摩斯》的英國作家。(1859-1930) English author who created Sherlock Holmes.
- 與Mut~+型相比,Mut~s轉化子在含營(yíng)養和色素較少的BMM培養基中即有高表達,且表達產(chǎn)物雜蛋白少,易于純化。Compared with the Mut~+, the Mut~s-hFL transformants showed higher expression level with less coloring contamination in the product and easier purification for hFL.
- 1930-1990:華北農村婚姻家庭變動(dòng)研究1930s-90s, Marriage and Family Changes of the Rural North China
- 將此重組表達載體線(xiàn)性化后通過(guò)電轉化的方法轉化PMAD11酵母感受態(tài)細胞,篩選Ade~+(Mut~s)重組子并誘導表達。After the recombinant plasmid pMET-PLF-N was linearized and transformed into PMAD11 compentent cells by electroporation, Ade+(Muts)recombinants were selected and induced with methanol.
- 純文學(xué):1930年代文學(xué)發(fā)展的另一種可能性Belles-lettres: Another Possibility of the Literature Development in 1930s
- 至少在1930年代,曾經(jīng)很流行給嬰兒吃羊腦。There had been a fashion, at least in the 1930s, to feed sheep brains to infants.
- 結果表明,誘導培養48小時(shí)后,Mut~+重組菌株表達產(chǎn)物在SDS-PAGE膠上顯現出清晰的目的蛋白帶,而Mut~s重組菌株培養72小時(shí)才能顯示微弱的目的帶;SDS-PAGE results showed that there was a clear target protein band in Mut+ recombinant supernatant after 48 hours of culturing, while a faint band only in Muts recombinant after 72 hours.
- 電傳系統起源于1930年代的歐洲,此后被廣泛使用。Telex systems originated in Europe in the early 1930s and were widely used for several decades.
- 1930-2004年山東省博興縣呂藝鎮店子村村莊管理沿革The Historical Changes and Developments of Village-management about Dianzi Village, Lvyi town, Boxing County, Shandong province in the years of 1930-2004