- 1927-1937年1927- 1937
- 這是Shepen,Mut的木乃伊,她曾一度在梯比斯寺院當過(guò)歌手。The mummy is that of Shepenmut who was once a singer in the Temple of Thebes.
- 論1927-1937年間國民政府改良傳統婚姻制度A Preliminary Study of the Reform of marriage system by the Government of KMT in 1927-1937
- 甲基丙二酸血癥患兒mut基因兩個(gè)新遺傳突變的發(fā)現和鑒證Molecular analysis of two novel mut gene mutations in chinese patient with methylmalonic academia
- 愛(ài)爾頓(1927)首創(chuàng )了“食物鏈”這個(gè)專(zhuān)業(yè)術(shù)語(yǔ)。Elton(1927)was the first to coin the phrase "food-chain."
- 這是Shepen,Mut的木乃伊,她曾一度在梯比斯寺院當過(guò)歌手。The mummy is that of Shepenmut who was once a singer in the Temple of Thebes.
- 南京政府時(shí)期(1927-37)為國際化時(shí)期,后因日本侵略而中斷。Nanking decade [1927-37] as period of internationalization, cut off by Japanese invasion.
- Mut-HPI與改造前的Met-HPI相比,不易被胰酶和羧肽酶B(CPB)降解。Mut-HPI was less easily digested by trypsin and CPB than Met-HPI.
- 埃因托芬,威廉1860-1927荷蘭生理學(xué)家,因其對心電圖學(xué)的貢獻獲1924年諾貝爾獎Dutch physiologist. He won a1924 Nobel Prize for his contributions to electrocardiography.
- 實(shí)驗結果表明,誘導表達48h后,Mut+和MutS重組子表達的產(chǎn)物在SDS-PAGE膠上都出現了清晰的目的帶。SDS-PAGE results indicated that there was a clear target band in Muts and Mut+ recombinant Culture supernatant after 48 hours culture respectively.
- 本文利用檔案資料,以蘇州商會(huì )為例,首次對1927至1937年間強勢國家與商會(huì )的關(guān)系作了系統的研究。This thesis, however, by making use of archives,took the chamber of commerce of Suzhou as example and made a systematic research of the relationship between powerful state and the chamber of commerce during1927-1937 in China.
- 與Mut~+型相比,Mut~s轉化子在含營(yíng)養和色素較少的BMM培養基中即有高表達,且表達產(chǎn)物雜蛋白少,易于純化。Compared with the Mut~+, the Mut~s-hFL transformants showed higher expression level with less coloring contamination in the product and easier purification for hFL.
- 范內,約翰·羅伯特生于1927英國藥理學(xué)家。因其在前列腺素上的調查研究而獲1982年的諾貝爾獎English politician and colonial administrator who was governor of Massachusetts(1636-1637) and a leading Parliamentarian during the English Civil War. He was tried and executed for high treason after the restoration of the monarchy.
- 將此重組表達載體線(xiàn)性化后通過(guò)電轉化的方法轉化PMAD11酵母感受態(tài)細胞,篩選Ade~+(Mut~s)重組子并誘導表達。After the recombinant plasmid pMET-PLF-N was linearized and transformed into PMAD11 compentent cells by electroporation, Ade+(Muts)recombinants were selected and induced with methanol.
- 福斯,羅伯特 路易斯1927-1987美國百老匯及電影制作的舞蹈設計師、導演,因酒店(1972年)而獲得奧斯卡金像獎American choreographer and director of Broadway and motion-picture productions, including Cabaret(1972), for which he won an Academy Award.
- 阿雷尼烏斯,斯凡特·奧古斯特1859-1927瑞典物理學(xué)家和化學(xué)家。因其電解質(zhì)的電離理論獲1903年諾貝爾獎Swedish physicist and chemist.He won a1903Nobel Prize for his electrolytic theory of dissociation.
- 結果表明,誘導培養48小時(shí)后,Mut~+重組菌株表達產(chǎn)物在SDS-PAGE膠上顯現出清晰的目的蛋白帶,而Mut~s重組菌株培養72小時(shí)才能顯示微弱的目的帶;SDS-PAGE results showed that there was a clear target protein band in Mut+ recombinant supernatant after 48 hours of culturing, while a faint band only in Muts recombinant after 72 hours.
- 伍德哈爾,維多利亞 克拉芬1838-1927美國改革家。婦女選舉權和自由戀受的直言不諱的倡導者,她是第一個(gè)競選美國總統的婦女(1872年)American reformer. An outspoken advocate of woman suffrage and free love, she was the first woman to run for the U.S. presidency(1872).
- 在含丙烯醇的YPD篩選培養基上篩選獲得兩株ADH活力降低的突變株mut-1和mut-2,檢測突變株mut-1和mut-2的最大ADH活力分別為35.67和43.09U/mL,是原始菌株的41.63%和50.29%。Two mutants,named mut-1 and mut-2,with decreased ADH activity were screened out by yeast peptone dextrose(YPD)agar medium containing allyl alcohol. These two mutants had decreased ADH activities of 41.63%25 and 50.29%25 compared with the parent strain.
- 同時(shí),在格里菲斯等人的美國影片的影響下,前蘇聯(lián)導演將蒙太奇作為剪輯技巧用在了<戰艦波將金號)(1925)和(圣彼得堡的末日)(1927)等片中。"at the same time, influenced by Griffith' s american films, montage was developed as an editing technique in "Potemkin (Battleship)"(1925) and "The End of St. Peterburg"(1927)."