- 分析網(wǎng)絡(luò )參數對Modular模糊神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡(luò )預報結果的影響Analysing the influence of network parameterson the forec ast results of ANN
- 基于Modular網(wǎng)絡(luò )和EM-SFM算法的模糊Sugeno模型(英文)Theoretical Results on Applying EM-SFM Algorithm and Modular Network to Fuzzy Sugeno Model
- 展示了United Devices的Grid MP如何在UT Grid項目中幫助利用空閑的機器周期。Harvesting and reusing idle compute cycles "demonstrates how United Devices Grid MP helps harvest idle cycles at the UT Grid project.
- Analog Devices Part Number-ADSP-21364-面向專(zhuān)業(yè)音頻的高精度32位浮點(diǎn)SHARC處理器Analog Devices Part Number- ADSP-21364 - High Precision 32-Bit Floating-Point SHARC Processor for Professional Audio
- 2個(gè)自建檢測系統與Roche Modular參考檢測系統血清PA檢測結果具有較好的可比性,其相關(guān)系數(r)>0.99,平均相對偏差<8%。The comparability of serum PA results measured by self-established systems compared with Roche Modular reference system were accepted,the correlation coefficients(r)>0.99,mean relative bias<8%25;
- 美國模擬器件公司(Analog Devices,Inc.,簡(jiǎn)稱(chēng)ADI)提供具有優(yōu)良匹配特性的雙晶體管和四晶體管。Analog Devices offers dual and quad transistors with excellent matching characteristics.
- 文章提出了一種環(huán)形脈動(dòng)陣列CSSA(Circular Structured Systolic Array),用于實(shí)現Montgomery模乘算法MMM(Montgomery Modular Multiplication)。In this article we modify one-dimension systolic array implementation of Montgomery modular multiplication (MMM) and present a circle-like architecture, called the Circular Structured Systolic Array (CSSA) for hardware imple-mentation of MMM.
- 如果這是臨時(shí)備份設備(與sys.backup_devices中存在的永久備份設備相反),則logical_device_name的值為NULL。If this is a temporary backup device (as opposed to a permanent backup device that exists in sys. Backup_devices), the value of logical_device_name is NULL.
- 電荷耦合器件CCD(Charge Coupled Devices)是20世紀70年代初發(fā)展起來(lái)的新型半導體集成光電器件,它是美國貝爾電話(huà)實(shí)驗室的W.Charge Coupled Devices(CCD) is the new type semiconductor integrated photoelectric device developed at the beginning of the seventies of the 20th century. It was put forward at the first of 1970 by W.