- LANGUAGE laws may protect minority rights or infringe them. 語(yǔ)言之法之于少數人權,既能保護,亦能觸犯。
- This, then, is indeed the right group. 然后,這確實(shí)是是一個(gè)正確的組織。
- Make sure the physical disk resource is in the right group. 確保物理磁盤(pán)資源在正確的組中。
- Democracy rests upon the principles of majority rule, coupled with individual and minority rights. 民主是以多數決定、同時(shí)尊重個(gè)人與少數人的權利為原則。
- The human rights group says the women face oppression and human rights abuses. 這個(gè)人權組織稱(chēng)這些婦女面臨壓迫和人權的侮辱。
- To strengthen the capacity of all our countries to implement the principles and practices of democracy and respect for human rights,including minority rights. 加強我們所有國家的能力,以履行民主的原則與實(shí)踐,尊重包括少數人權利在內的各項人權。
- The Human right Group says women face oppression and human right abuses. 人權組織聲稱(chēng)婦女面臨著(zhù)壓抑和人權踐踏。
- To strengthen the capacity of all our countries to implement the principles and practices of democracy and respect for human rights, including minority rights. 加強我們所有國家的能力,以履行民主的原則與實(shí)踐,尊重包括少數人權利在內的各項人權。
- Human rights groups and Uighur groups in the West say Chinese authorities often use terrorism as a pretext to persecute the country's Muslim minority. 人權組織和在西方國家的維吾爾人組織說(shuō),中國當局經(jīng)常以反恐為借口,迫害穆斯林少數民族。
- Debbie Stothard is coordinator of the rights group Alternative Asean Network on Burma in Bangkok. 總部設在曼谷的人權組織東盟替代網(wǎng)絡(luò )協(xié)調員德比.;斯托特德譴責這項判決。
- Kek Galabru, head of the local human rights group Lichadho, says that ruling party activists are threatening voters. 加拉布呂是當地一個(gè)人權組織的負責人。她說(shuō),執政黨的活動(dòng)人士在威脅選民。
- Nunn was opposed to Aristide's return until parliamentary elections were held, because he didn't trust Aristide to protect minority rights without an established countervailing force in parliament. 納恩反對阿里斯蒂德在舉行國會(huì )選舉前返回海地,因為他不相信阿里斯蒂德會(huì )保護在國會(huì )中沒(méi)有建立起制衡力量的少數派的權利。
- The release of the memos stems from a request by civil rights group the American Civil Liberties Union "ACLU". 這些備忘錄的公布源于民權組織美國公民自由聯(lián)邦"ACLU"的要求".
- Human rights groups and UN agency condemned the move. 人權組織和聯(lián)合國機構譴責這場(chǎng)運動(dòng)。
- Rights groups: Pentagon sought Geneva Convention loopholes. 人權組織:五角大樓尋求日內瓦公約漏洞.
- The rights group said Georgia's government has admitted it, while Russia continues with denials. **指出格魯吉亞政府承認這一指責,但是俄羅斯對此繼續予以否認。
- Ethnic minorities' right to autonomy is protected by laws and regulations. 少數民族的自治權利得到法律和制度的保障。
- And an animal rights group, the Humane Society, is urging the National Football League to suspend Vick from play. 一個(gè)動(dòng)物福利組織--人權協(xié)會(huì ),正在呼吁國家橄欖球聯(lián)合會(huì )暫停維克的比賽。
- V. in South Africa.The human rights group says the women face oppression and human rights abuses. 這個(gè)人權組織表示這些婦女面臨著(zhù)壓抑和人權的虐待。
- Coordinate physical audits and follow up audits with the Corporate Customs Compliance &Human Rights Group. 與公司海關(guān)遵章和人權管理部合作,進(jìn)行實(shí)際審核和追蹤檢查工作。