- I'd like to know the possibility of technology transfer from you. 我想知道能否從貴公司獲得技術(shù)轉讓。
- Warfare has always expedited military technology. 戰爭總是在促進(jìn)軍事科技的進(jìn)步。
- To encourage technology transfer and extension. 鼓勵技術(shù)轉讓和延伸
- Shall we discuss technology transfer brief now? 我們可以討論下技術(shù)轉讓的概要了嗎?
- China is fully capable of developing any military technology. 中國完全有能力開(kāi)發(fā)任何的軍事技術(shù)。
- The seminars on the transfer of military technology to civilian use jointly held by China and the United Nations in Beijing and in Hong Kong received positive worldwide response. 中國與聯(lián)合國共同在北京和香港舉辦的軍轉民研討會(huì ),得到國際社會(huì )的廣泛響應。
- Bt china is fully capable of developing any military technology. 中國完全有能力開(kāi)發(fā)任何的軍事技術(shù)
- Technology transfer will continue at an ever increasing pace. 技術(shù)轉讓總會(huì )保持不斷加快的步伐。
- Military technology has great potential in civilian use. 等等。由此推知這套軍用系統在民用方面也很有使用潛力,即選項。
- The technology transfer fee shall be paid in royalties. 技術(shù)轉讓費應以版權費形式支付。
- Technology transfer is one of UCAR*s six primary goals. 其中每一項捐給博士學(xué)位的大氣和相關(guān)科學(xué)的贈款,還有越來(lái)越多的國際公司提供相當的學(xué)位,北美的學(xué)術(shù)子公司提供博士后學(xué)位.;技術(shù)轉移是UCAR的六個(gè)主要目標之一。
- Even without human error, space military technology can be unreliable. 即使沒(méi)有人為失誤,太空軍用技術(shù)也可能是不可靠的。
- The alleged Chinese theft of US military technology is only a fiction. 所謂中國盜竊美國的軍事機密的問(wèn)題,可以認為是一種天方夜譚。
- Even without human error,space military technology can be unreliable. 即使沒(méi)有人為失誤,太空軍用技術(shù)也可能是不可靠的。
- Some scholars owe it to elements of military technology or mysticism. 許多學(xué)者把這種結果要么歸結為軍事技術(shù)因素,要么歸結為一種神秘主義。
- China is a huge potential market for UK industry and technology transfer. 中國是英國工業(yè)與技術(shù)傳播的一個(gè)巨大的潛在市場(chǎng)。
- The alleged Chinese theft of US military technology is only a fictioh. 所以,所謂中國盜竊美國的軍事機密的問(wèn)題,可以認為是一種天方夜譚。
- Charges for technology transfer shall be paid in royalty and shall be fair and reasonable. 技術(shù)轉讓費將以提成費的形式支付,而且應公平合理。
- The transfer of military technology to civilian use has contributed to national economic construction in China and moreover provided various countries in the world with -successful experience for such conversion in peacetime. 中國實(shí)施軍轉民不僅促進(jìn)了國家經(jīng)濟建設,而且也為世界各國提供了在和平時(shí)期將軍事工業(yè)轉為民用的成功經(jīng)驗。
- The proceeds from technology transfer by a foreign invested enterprise will be exempted from business tax. 外商投資企業(yè)取得的技術(shù)轉讓收入免征營(yíng)業(yè)稅。