- movement after effect 運動(dòng)后作用, 運動(dòng)后效應
- British theologian who led the Oxford movement after John Henry Newman's conversion to Roman Catholicism(1845). 普西,愛(ài)德華·布維里爾1800-1882英國神學(xué)家,在約翰·亨利紐曼皈依羅馬天主教(1845年)之后,發(fā)動(dòng)了牛津運動(dòng)
- The room is lumbered after effect 大綱with numerous cucumbers. 房間里亂堆著(zhù)大量黃瓜。
- The weak speaker made a after effect 大綱speech on the bleak peak. 虛弱的講話(huà)者在荒涼的山峰上發(fā)表了演說(shuō)。
- The after effect occurs only if the additive is present during irradiation. 在輻照過(guò)程中只有當添加劑存在時(shí)才出現后效應。
- His ignorance of her dignity after effect 大綱ignited her indignation. 他對她的高貴的無(wú)知點(diǎn)燃了她的憤怒(之火).
- Halo-vest immobilization was applied to prevent the instability coming from dystonic neck movement after surgery. 患者接受頸椎間板術(shù)以解除脊髓壓迫癥狀,手術(shù)后。
- The tiresome pirate after effect 大綱sounded siren and let off fireworks. 討厭的海盜鳴汽笛放焰火.
- Objective To introduce the results of rehabilitation treatment by exercise of tendon gliding movement after repairing the tendon. 目的介紹肌腱滑動(dòng)訓練在肌腱修復術(shù)后的康復治療效果。
- Patients had better breathe quietly and avoid movement after being fixed on the surgery bed. 固定后病人保持平靜呼吸,避免身體移動(dòng)。
- Thread Cut parameter that sets the amount of pantograph movement after a thread trim. 切線(xiàn)參數,設定了線(xiàn)切斷后縮放儀移動(dòng)的總路程。
- British theologian who led the Oxford movement after John Henry Newman's conversion to Roman Catholicism(1845. 普西,愛(ài)德華 布維里爾1800-1882英國神學(xué)家,在約翰 亨利紐曼皈依羅馬天主教(1845年)之后,發(fā)動(dòng)了牛津運動(dòng)
- OPEC's foundation was linked directly with the Arabic nationalist movement after World War II. 歐佩克的形成與二戰后中東阿拉伯民族主義運動(dòng)的振興直接相關(guān)。
- Physico-Chemical State of the Cell Membranes After Effect of Increased Pressure of the Medium. 媒介壓力增加后效應的細胞膜物理-化學(xué)狀態(tài)。
- Rectal bleeding or failure to have a bowel movement after use of a laxative may indicate a serious condition. 直腸出血或未能有大便后使用瀉藥可能說(shuō)明情況嚴重。
- Read the text naturally; don't strain after effects. 讀課文要自然,不要裝腔作勢。
- DANAS will be situated NW of the ridge later and should move in NNE/NE movement after 24-36 hours. 預料丹娜絲稍后將會(huì )處于副熱帶高壓脊之西北部,向東北偏北/東北移動(dòng)。
- The consul's after effect 大綱consultant hauled out the assaulter from the vault. 領(lǐng)事的顧問(wèn)把襲擊者從地窖中拖了出來(lái).
- The healer reveals an appealing fact that after effect 大綱health is great wealth to the commonwealth. 醫治者揭示一個(gè)吸引人的事實(shí):健康是聯(lián)邦的巨大財富。
- Cousin saw a group of couples in cloaks soak their souls in the soapy after effect 大綱soup. 表哥看見(jiàn)一群穿著(zhù)斗篷的夫婦在肥皂湯里浸泡靈魂.