Logistics run

  • 物流運作

Logistics run的用法和樣例:


  1. Lego Group, the global toy manufacturer, is to expand its use of CHEP pallets across its logistics operation in central Europe.
    樂(lè )高集團,全球玩具制造商,是擴大其使用此類(lèi)型托盤(pán)橫跨其物流運作在歐洲中部。
  2. In this situation, the enterprises, as well as the academia area, put high attention on the logistics cost, since the logistics cost is the last profit seeking area at present.
    而社會(huì )分工的細化使得第三方物流企業(yè)這樣一種專(zhuān)業(yè)的物流運作實(shí)體得以產(chǎn)生,然而其成本管理模式和方法還極不完善。
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