- Let 's switch to 5. There 's crime thriller. 我們把電視轉到五頻道吧。那兒在放映一部偵探驚險片。
- In a worldwide economic downturn, local officials say, Kalmar’s switch away from oil and gas also is helping to reduce fuel bills and to preserve jobs. 地方官員表示,在全球經(jīng)濟衰退的背景下,卡爾瑪停用油氣而帶來(lái)的能源結構轉變有助于削減燃料開(kāi)支并保護就業(yè)崗位。
- We discovered that the railway’s switch had been realized electrization after investigation on the spot, the railway department didn’t have a pressure monitoring system. 通過(guò)對鄭州鐵路局新鄉機務(wù)段的實(shí)地考察,發(fā)現鐵路系統的扳道工作雖然基本上已經(jīng)實(shí)現電氣化,但是沒(méi)有對扳道系統液壓裝置的壓力監控裝置,如果扳道裝置的液壓系統發(fā)生故障而沒(méi)有及時(shí)發(fā)現,就會(huì )導致扳道時(shí)的壓力太大或太小,結果是不能使鐵軌扳到正確的位置上,導致扳道失敗,后果將不堪設想。
- No modification to the WAN's switching or routing fabric is required. 不需要對廣域網(wǎng)的交換或路由結構作修改。
- The paper also explains in detail the functions and effects of PABX?s switch modules and control modules about hardware structure and softwate implement. The scheme has been proved by several units and found application. 說(shuō)明了實(shí)現此方案的兩種類(lèi)型模塊:交換模塊和管理模塊的硬件結構各部分的功能和作用及軟件實(shí)現的概況,此方案在200門(mén)至2000門(mén)模塊化擴容程控交換機設計中得到理論和實(shí)驗的論證,并在排隊控制系統中有所應用
- Don't let your temper run away with you. 要控制住自己,不要發(fā)脾氣。
- Let me get my bits and pieces together. 讓我把我的零碎東西收拾起來(lái)。
- Let's go for a picnic by the riverside. 我們到河邊野餐去吧。
- Let your yea be yea and your nay be nay. 如實(shí)說(shuō)你的想法。
- In this case, let's start earlier. 既然這樣,我們就早點(diǎn)開(kāi)始。
- Releasing action of distribution box s switches caused by heat-affection in fire will lead to tripping,thus power supply for fire equipment can t be guaranteed. 針對目前配電箱開(kāi)關(guān)在火災熱影響下由于脫扣機構動(dòng)作引起跳閘,不能保證消防設備供電問(wèn)題,經(jīng)過(guò)對消防配電箱的火災試驗研究,分析了外部熱源對開(kāi)關(guān)動(dòng)作的影響。
- He let himself down slowly by means of a tope. 他借助一根繩子慢慢地下來(lái)了。
- Let's dunk in the pool before dinner. 我們飯前到池塘里泡一會(huì )兒。
- Let's clean down the board before we paint it. 讓我們在上漆以前把這塊板洗干凈。
- The crowd fell back to let the players through. 人群后退讓運動(dòng)員們通過(guò)。
- Graph models for T arid S switches and methods for analysing T switches in digital switching networks are presented in the paper. They provide a. theoretical basis for fault diagnosis of speech path subsystems in digital SPC switching systems. 本文提出數字交換網(wǎng)絡(luò )中T及S接線(xiàn)器的圖模型及T接線(xiàn)器的分析方法,它為數字程控交換機話(huà)路系統的故障診斷提供了理論基礎。
- I hope you can pardon his badness and let him start all over again. 希望您能原諒他的不好,讓他從新開(kāi)始。
- It will be unjust to let me suffer for the folly of other people. 讓我因他人的愚昧而受罪是不公平的。
- During the intermission, let's go out for some fresh air. 幕間休息時(shí),我們出去呼吸呼吸新鮮空氣吧。
- Let the tea leaves steep in boiling water for five minutes. 讓茶葉在滾開(kāi)的水中浸泡五分鐘。