- Lathyrus quinquenervius (Miq.) Litv. ,以全草、花、種子入藥。
- Put forword vastitude exploring foreground of lathyrus sativus and some expectation in food process industry. 并對山黧豆種子開(kāi)發(fā)廣闊前景及在食品加工中應用進(jìn)行展望。
- Any of several plants of the genus Lathyrus, such as the sweet pea or the beach pea. 豌豆屬植物一種山黧豆屬植物,如甜豌豆或沙豆或海邊香豌豆
- Rare and endangered plants like the white-fringed orchid and a pale vetchling suddenly sprouted on their own. 稀有而瀕臨滅絕的植物如白蝴蝶蘭花和淺色連理草也突然自己冒了出來(lái)。
- Any of several plants of the genus Lathyrus,such as the sweet pea or the beach pea. 豌豆屬植物一種山黧豆屬植物,如甜豌豆或沙豆或海邊香豌豆
- Any of several plants of the genus Lathyrus,having pinnately compound leaves,slender tendrils,and variously colored flowers. 山黧豆屬植物一種野豌豆屬的草本植物,具有羽狀復葉,細長(cháng)的卷須和各種顏色的花朵
- Any of several plants of the genus Lathyrus, having pinnately compound leaves, slender tendrils, and variously colored flowers. 長(cháng)有羽狀葉子和小的不顯眼的白花和小的扁平豆的小直立的或攀緣的草本屬;小扁豆。
- An annual climbing herb (Lathyrus odoratus) of the pea family, native to Italy, cultivated for its variously colored, fragrant flowers. 香豌豆:一種一年生豆科攀緣草木植物(香豌豆香豌豆屬),原產(chǎn)于意大利,因其各色芳香的花朵而栽種
- A disease of human beings and animals caused by eating legumes of the genus Lathyrus and characterized by spastic paralysis, hyperesthesia, and paresthesia. 山黧豆中毒人或禽類(lèi)因誤食山黧科豆類(lèi)而得的疾病,其癥狀是痙攣性癱瘓、感覺(jué)過(guò)敏和感覺(jué)異常
- Lathyrus quinquenervius is clonal plant with two pathes to be bred, one is sexual by seed and the other is asexual by rhizome. 最后,觀(guān)測了五脈山黧豆的開(kāi)花動(dòng)態(tài),并用雜交指數(OCI)、花粉-胚珠比(P/O)方法測定了其有性繁育系統類(lèi)型。結果表明,五脈山黧豆的花期持續45天左右,盛花期為6月下旬左右。
- Recent research and development about Lathyrus sativus biologic character and synthesized mechanism of lathyrus sativustoxin and some methods to wipe of the toxin are represented. 該文闡述國內外近年來(lái)對山黧豆研究和開(kāi)發(fā),及山黧豆毒素生物學(xué)性質(zhì)及合成機制,論述目前可行的幾種去除毒素方法;
- In order to utilize its superior characteristics,Lathyrus sylvestris seeds were introdued into China fromthe United States in 1993,and had been grown for two years in Beijing. 為了利用林生山黧豆的優(yōu)良特性,從美國引進(jìn)這種林牧草的種子,在北京選點(diǎn)進(jìn)行了兩年多的栽培試驗。
- Lathyrus L. [醫] 山黧豆屬
- Lathyrus sativus L. 山黧豆
- Any of certain perennial herbs of the genus Lathyrus in the pea family, especially L. japonicus, native to shores in the Northern Hemisphere, having pinnately compound leaves and purplish flowers. 海邊山黧豆,野豌豆:任何一種豆科中的多年生山黧豆屬草木植物,特別是海濱山黧豆,原生在北半球的海邊,具有羽狀復葉和紫色的花
- purple peavine (Lathyrus violaceus) 紫花山黧豆
- Keywords lathyrus sativus;toxin;wipe of toxin; 山黧豆;毒素;去毒;
- any of several perennial vines of the genus Lathyrus. 任何山黧豆屬多年生藤蔓植物。
- any of several perennial vines of the genus Lathyrus 任何山黧豆屬多年生藤蔓植物
- Introducing Trial of Cut - flower Japanica Lathyrus odoratus 切花品種日本香豌豆的引種試驗