- compression intestinal tissue forceps 壓迫式腸道組織鉗
- She drives carefully up the rocky lane. 她駕車(chē)小心地從這條很多石頭的小路上駛過(guò)去。
- Bergmann's uterine tissue forceps 貝格曼(氏)子宮組織鑷
- Schroeder's uterine tissue forceps 施勒德(氏)子宮組織鑷
- Ferris-Smith brain tissue forceps 費-史二氏腦組織鑷
- GVHD is the result of the immune attack by donor lymphocytes (the graft) against the recipient’s tissues (the host). GVHD是供體淋巴細胞(移植物)免疫攻擊接受者的組織(宿主)的結果。
- Mayo-Harrington bayonet shaped lung tissue forceps 梅-哈二氏槍形肺部組織鑷
- Pean's intestinal tissue forceps 佩昂(氏)腸組織鉗
- Judd-Allis light model tissue forceps 賈-艾二氏小型組織鉗
- Babcock's intestinal tissue forceps 巴布科克(氏)腸組織鉗
- That lane will take you to his house. 你從那條小巷就可以走到他家。
- Duval's intestinal tissue forceps 杜瓦爾(氏)腸組織鉗
- The lane was thronged with shoppers. 這條狹窄的街上擠滿(mǎn)了購物的人群。
- If you want to drive fast, use the outside lane. 如果你要開(kāi)快車(chē),請用外車(chē)道。
- The lane is the boundary of our land. 那條小路就是我們這片地的界線(xiàn)。
- Grandad’s taking a walk down memory lane. 爺爺在記憶的小道上散步。就是說(shuō)重溫往事。
- It’s long lane that has no truning . 車(chē)到山前必有路。
- The champion is running in lane 4. 冠軍跑在第四跑道上。
- It is a long lane that has no turning. 路必有彎。
- The lane was rutted with tyre tracks. 這小巷有車(chē)胎軋出的凹痕。