- Knowledge acquired through education or experience. 學(xué)問(wèn),學(xué)識通過(guò)教育或經(jīng)驗獲取的知識
- Having read little; lacking in knowledge acquired by reading. 讀書(shū)少的只看過(guò)很少的書(shū)的;缺乏書(shū)本知識的。
- In order to manage the knowledge acquired, we develop the knowledge editor and management environment, in which an idea of knowledge tree is contained. 提出了知識樹(shù)的概念用于所獲得的知識的管理,設計并實(shí)現了數學(xué)知識獲取和管理平臺。
- Knowledge acquirement is the bottleneck of expert system. Machine learning is the most current knowledge acquirement methods . 知識獲取是專(zhuān)家系統的瓶頸,目前的知識獲取大都通過(guò)機器學(xué)習來(lái)獲得。
- Knowledge without common sense counts for little. 光有學(xué)問(wèn)而無(wú)常識,則這種學(xué)問(wèn)無(wú)甚價(jià)值。
- The CMM is based on knowledge acquired from software process assessments and extensive feedback from both industry and government. CMM是基于從軟件過(guò)程評估和大量工業(yè)產(chǎn)業(yè)、政府的反饋中所得到的認識的。
- An effective approach of knowledge acquirement supporting design process is to establish the relation between design process and product knowledge. 建立設計過(guò)程與產(chǎn)品知識間的關(guān)聯(lián);是實(shí)現產(chǎn)品設計過(guò)程中知識獲取的有效途徑.
- It can be divided into phases of knowledge acquirement and knowledge engineer from viewpoint of knowledge based system development. 從知識系統開(kāi)發(fā)的觀(guān)點(diǎn)將軍事概念模型開(kāi)發(fā)分成知識獲取和知識工程兩個(gè)階段。
- It also discusses the design and implementation of repository,reason machine,knowledge acquirement and dynamic emulation of this expert system. 介紹了切屑控制過(guò)程專(zhuān)家系統的總體設計,以及該專(zhuān)家系統的知識庫、推理機、知識獲取及動(dòng)態(tài)仿真的設計與實(shí)現方法。
- A final year project is a requisite for each student. It integrates the knowledge acquired by students in earlier years of study and applies to practical issues. 學(xué)生須于最后一年修讀電腦習作,將歷年來(lái)所學(xué)之知識應用于實(shí)際環(huán)境內。
- This paper introduces the function and structure of ESCP,and discusses the implemention strategies in knowledge acquirement and knowledge expression in ESCP. 簡(jiǎn)單介紹了動(dòng)力煤選煤廠(chǎng)設計專(zhuān)家系統(ESCP)的內容和結構,著(zhù)重討論了本系統中知識庫內容的獲取和表達技術(shù)。
- The results show that combining CBR and RBR can overcome effectively the drawbacks of single RBR, such as low inference efficiency, knowledge acquirement bottleneck, etc. 結果證明,CBR與RBR的結合可以有效的克服單一RBR的推理效率低,知識獲取困難等缺點(diǎn),從而顯著(zhù)地提高系統的性能。
- Then author analyzed the acquirement and representation of knowledge in fault intelligent diagnosis system, advanced the common model of knowledge acquiring. 然后深入地分析了故障智能診斷系統中知識獲取和表示方法,提出了智能診斷系統知識獲取的一般模型;
- Later he also gained in aesthetic knowledge. 后來(lái)他的美學(xué)知識也增加了。
- He is not made for climbing the tree of knowledge. 他不是生來(lái)適于攀登知識之樹(shù)的。
- He is always parading his knowledge. 他總是夸耀自己的知識。
- She shows great zeal for knowledge. 她表現出強烈的求知欲。
- He wants to widen his knowledge of the industry. 他想擴充自己在這一行業(yè)的知識。
- His hunger for knowledge drove him to the library. 他對求知的強烈渴望驅使他上圖書(shū)館。
- His knowledge is adequate to do this job well. 他的知識足可勝任這項工作。