- Kishimoto Hideo 岸本英夫(1903-64),日本人,宗教學(xué)者。
- The first 64 pages of the book have been printed. 該書(shū)的前 64 頁(yè)已印出。
- A board marked with 64 squares, used in playing chess. 國際象棋棋盤(pán)玩國際象棋時(shí)用的棋盤(pán),分為64方格
- Most people only stick to what Kishimoto puts! (嘆息聲)許多人只堅持岸本設計的而已!
- The inferno has killed 64 people in just five days. 大火僅在短短五天內就奪去了64人的生命。
- It has 64 MB of internal memory, too. 它1964年甲基溴內部記憶的一部分.
- A Chart Workspace may contain at most 64 charts. “圖表工作區”最多只能包含 64 個(gè)圖表。
- He was diagnosed (as) a diabetic when he was 64. 他64歲時(shí)被診斷患有糖尿病。
- Why Were 64 Girls Pregnant at One Ohio School? 為何在一所美國中學(xué)有64名少女學(xué)生懷孕?
- From about 1880 to 1903 was truly the golden age of mountaineering. 從大約1880年到1903年,確實(shí)是登山運動(dòng)的黃金時(shí)期。
- A Name can include up to 64 characters. Name最多可以包括64個(gè)字符。
- In 1903, Henry Ford with partners founded the Ford Motor Company. 亨利·福特和他的合伙人在1903年創(chuàng )辦了福特汽車(chē)制造公司。
- The public key size must be a multiple of 64 bytes. 公鑰大小必須是64字節的倍數。
- We were playing against No. 64 Middle School. 我們和64中學(xué)打比賽。
- You can nest up to 64 levels of functions. 最多可以嵌套64個(gè)級別的函數。
- Label names can be up to 64 characters long. 標簽名稱(chēng)的最大長(cháng)度為64個(gè)字符。
- Madame Curie took the doctor's degree in physics in 1903. 居里夫人于1903年取的物理學(xué)博士學(xué)位。
- The key length must be a multiple of 64 bits. 密鑰長(cháng)度必須為64位的倍數。
- The Republic of Panama seceded from Colombia in 1903. 巴拿馬共和國于1903年脫離哥倫比亞。
- The length of the name cannot exceed 64 characters. 名稱(chēng)長(cháng)度不能超過(guò)64個(gè)字符。