- The manuscript bears the date 10 April 1937. 手稿上注著(zhù)1937年4月10日。
- Chan and Kim observed such a decrease of rotational inertia in a ring of solid helium. 陳鴻渭與金恩成在一圈固態(tài)氦中,觀(guān)察到這種轉動(dòng)慣量減少的情形。
- Established in 2005 by Kim Chang Kyun, ASHTON rewards women with its signature collection of stylishly sophisticated bags that mix avant-garde details with classic designs. 金昌均于2005年成立的阿斯頓獎勵婦女帶有”阿斯頓“的簽名珍藏品,這是一款時(shí)尚精美的包包,集前衛細節與經(jīng)典設計于一體。
- Xu Chan has every reason to be confident. 因此許嬋完全有理由充滿(mǎn)自信。
- The Lugouqiao incident occured on July 7,1937. 蘆溝橋事變發(fā)生于1937年7月7日。
- Kim was going to be fine. We were having a baby. 金會(huì )一切順利的,我們將有個(gè)小嬰兒了。
- On 8 13 1937, the Battle if Shanghai began. 1937年8月13日,淞滬會(huì )戰爆發(fā)。
- Mr CHAN Wing-chan spoke on the amendment. 陳榮燦議員就修正案發(fā)言。
- Mr. CHAN Shi is carving the seals. 禪石先生在篆刻。
- Ross: Oh-oh, Alec Baldwin and Kim Basinger. 哦對了;還有亞歷克.;鮑德溫和金
- The Lugouqiao Incident broke out in 1937. 盧溝橋事變在1937年爆發(fā)。
- Our bedroom is hung with posters of Jackie Chan. 我們寢室里掛著(zhù)成龍的海報。
- The North Dakota Winter Show started in 1937. 北達科他的冬季秀始于1937年。
- Says Kim:"She completely freaked out. 金說(shuō):“她魂兒都嚇掉了。
- A: I've no idea, but I know there is Jackie Chan. 我不知道,但我知道有成龍。
- The Lugouqiao incident occured on July 7, 1937. 蘆溝橋事變發(fā)生于1937年7月7日。
- Chan Ku Cool restaurant decorated in prison style. 禪酷主題餐廳。
- Kim was, as usual, joking about everything. 基姆還是和往常一樣,拿什么事都開(kāi)玩笑。
- The Chinese July 7th Incident happened in 1937. 中國的七七事變發(fā)生在1937年。
- Chan is suffering from a liver ailment, liver n. 居住者,生活優(yōu)裕的人,肝臟。