- According to the treaty, China is to take back Hong Kong on July 1st, 1997. 根據條約,中國將于1997年7月1日收回香港。
- He have resigned with effect from july 1st. 他已辭職,7月1日生效。
- He has resigned with effect from July 1st . 他的辭職從7月1日生效。
- The new hospital opens on July 1st. 這家新醫院七月一日開(kāi)診。
- He has resigned with effect from July 1st. 他已辭職,7月1日生效。
- QQ: today is July 1st, Saturday. 千千:今天是七月一號,禮拜六。
- Eleven months had gone by since July 1st. 由去年七月一日到現在,轉眼已十一個(gè)月。
- Ten months had gone by since July 1st. 由去年七月一日到現在,轉眼已十個(gè)月。
- Discovery has a July 1st launch date. “發(fā)現者”號航天飛機已定于今年7月1日升空。
- Canada officially became a nation on July 1st, 1867. 1867年7月1日,加拿大正式成為一個(gè)國家。
- July 1st saw the smooth and seamless return of Hong Kong to China,thereby ending 156 years of colonial rule. 去年七月一日,香港順利回歸祖國,安排可謂天衣無(wú)縫,結束了長(cháng)達一百五十六年的殖民統治。
- July 1st,1997 was a day to which we in Hong Kong had looked forward to with pride and with confidence. 1997年7月1日,是我們每個(gè)香港人期待已久的日子,我們既感到自豪,又滿(mǎn)懷信心。
- July 1st saw the smooth and seamless return of Hong Kong to China, thereby ending 157 years of colonial rule. 去年七月一日香港順利回歸祖國,安排可謂天衣無(wú)縫,結束了長(cháng)達一百五十六年的殖民統治。
- July 1st 1997 was a day to which we in Hong Kong had looked forward to with pride and with confidence. 一九九七年七月一日,是我們每個(gè)香港人期待已久的日子,我們既感到自豪,又滿(mǎn)懷信心。
- July 1st saw the smooth and seamless return of Hong Kong to China, thereby ending 156 years of colonial rule. 去年七月一日,香港順利回歸祖國,安排可謂天衣無(wú)縫,結束了長(cháng)達一百五十六年的殖民統治。
- On July 1st the OAS gave Honduras three days to restore constitutional order or risk suspension from the organisation. 6月1日美洲國家組織給洪都拉斯三天時(shí)間恢復憲法秩序,否則威脅與其斷交。
- From June-4th to July 1st, from ourselves to China, how interrelating are there? 由六四到七一,由自已到中國,有多千絲萬(wàn)縷?
- MostBoth studies appeared in the July 1st first issue of the Journal of Americal the American Medical Association. 兩項研究將刊登在美國醫學(xué)會(huì )的七月第一刊上。
- On July 1st Crabtree &Evelyn, a maker of soap and fragrances, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. 7月1號,肥皂和芳香劑制造商瑰柏翠(Crabtree&Evelyn)申請破產(chǎn)保護。
- July 1st is the day that marks the founding of the Chinese Communist Party, or the CCP Birthday. 七月一日這一天,是中國共產(chǎn)黨成立紀念日,也就是建黨日。