- “1968”"1968"
- 莫貝里,C.A.V.(1898-1973)Carl Artur Vilhelm Moberg (1898~1973)
- 盧圖利,A.J.M.(1898-1967)Albert John Mvumbi Luthuli (1898~1967)
- 寧波市1968至1987年流行性出血熱流行動(dòng)態(tài)分析Dynamic analysis of Human epidemic Hemorrhagic faver prevalence in 1968 to 1987 at Ning-bo
- 一條記錄長(cháng)1898字節,其中文摘長(cháng)1020字節。The length of a record for a paper is fixed, 1898 bytes long, including abstract 1020 bytes.
- 可尊敬地從美國空軍卸貨在1968在舍不得化之後在越南。Honorably discharged from the U.S. Air Force in 1968 after a stint in Vietnam.
- 1898至1915年,最高法院還復審過(guò)一些州的童工法。The Supreme Court during the period 1898-1915 also reviewed a number of state child labor laws.
- 邁特納,利斯1878-1968奧地利裔瑞典物理學(xué)家及核裂變研究之先驅者Austrian-born Swedish physicist and pioneer in the study of nuclear fission.
- 1898至1915年,最高法院還復審過(guò)一些州的童工法。The Supreme Court during the period 1898-1915 also reviewed a number of state child labor laws.
- 石剛(1968--),男,現任人文學(xué)院副院長(cháng)、碩士生導師。Shi Gang (1968--) , male, Vice President of the Humanities College of CUEB.
- (1815-1898)在他的領(lǐng)導下德國走向統一聯(lián)合的德國政治家。(1815-1898) German statesman under whose leadership Germany was united.
- 哈恩,奧托1879-1968德國化學(xué)家,由于他在原子核裂變領(lǐng)域的成就而獲1944年諾貝爾獎German chemist. He won a1944 Nobel Prize for his work on atomic fission.
- 光緒二十四年(1898),清政府正式宣布將北戴河辟為避暑山地。In 1898, during the reign period of Emperor Guangxu of Qing, the Chinese government announced officially that Beidaihe would be developed into a summer resort.
- 及"海恩斯訴合眾國"案,載于《美國最高法院判例匯編》第390卷,第85頁(yè)(1968)。Haynes v. United States, 390 U.S. 85 (1968).
- 作曲家喬治·格什溫生于1898.9.26,他很早就開(kāi)始練習鋼琴。Composer George Gershwin was born on September 26, 1898, and began taking piano lessons at an early age.
- 在他與斯坦利?庫布里克合作的<2001太空漫游>(1968)中,猿人進(jìn)化成了星孩。In "2001: A Space Odyssey" (1968), which he co-wrote with Stanley Kubrick, ape-man evolved into Star Child.
- 在基奇納勛爵領(lǐng)導下的一支英國-埃及軍隊戰勝蘇丹人的一次戰斗(1898)。a battle (1898) in which an Anglo-Egyptian army under Lord Kitchener defeated the Sudanese.
- 在1968和1972年奧運會(huì )上,他共得了11塊獎牌,(與馬特-波因迪持平(1984、1988、1992));At two Olympics (1968 and 1972), Spitz won a total of 11 medals and is tied as of 2000 with Matt Biondi (1984, 1988, 1992);
- 在西班牙-美國戰爭(1898)戰爭里的一次海軍戰斗;海軍上將杜威領(lǐng)導下的美國艦隊戰勝西班牙艦隊。a naval battle in the Spanish-American War (1898); the American fleet under Admiral Dewey defeated the Spanish fleet.
- 美蘇就越南同題展開(kāi)了復雜的互動(dòng),特別在美國對北越實(shí)施戰略轟炸階段(1964-1968)。During 1964. 8 to 1968.10,U S air force was bombing territory of DRV, U S and USSR intercommunicated about the issue and intervolved in the war.