It also hamstrings the Fed, making it difficult to raise interest rates to curb inflation for fear of worsening the housing and financial crises. 也會(huì )最終致殘美聯(lián)儲,由于它當心房屋市場(chǎng)和金融危機的惡化,使得它很難升息以抑制通脹。
The government has tried dozens of measures in the last few years, including interest rate increases to slow the economy, moderate export growth and tame a wild stock market. 政府在過(guò)去幾年也嘗試了各種措施,包括升息以緩解經(jīng)濟增長(cháng),緩和出口增長(cháng)勢頭及冷卻股票市場(chǎng)的狂熱。