- OIG.HHS.GOV]Office of Inspector General, U.S. 訪(fǎng)問(wèn)數/每百萬(wàn)人:Reach for [EXCLUSIONS.
- Gwendolyn Hatcher, former inspector general of the city Department of Cultural Affairs, told a federal jury that an outraged Myerson stormed into her office with three of her top aides in tow. 前[紐約]市文化局調查主任哈徹告訴聯(lián)邦陪審團說(shuō):怒氣沖沖的邁爾森帶領(lǐng)著(zhù)她的三個(gè)高級幕僚闖入她的辦公室。
- Inspector General Barofsky is to testify before Congress on Thursday. 總調查員巴羅夫斯基將于星期四在國會(huì )作證。
- Within any major bank an audit department was an independent, watchdog unit with authority and prerogatives like the Inspectorate General of an army. 不論在哪一家大銀行,帳部是個(gè)獨立的監督機構,它擁有的威勢和權力實(shí)不亞于軍隊里的總監。
- During the Kory? and Chos?n Dynasties, the Office of the Inspector General held regular tea ceremonies. 在**和***王朝時(shí)期,總檢查員機關(guān)(?)負責舉行定期的飲茶儀式。
- The F.B.I. and the inspector general disagreed over how to measure those backlogs. 對于怎么衡量這些積壓的東西,FBI和檢察長(cháng)持不同意見(jiàn)。
- The Inspector General conceded that his investigation did not inquire about the actions of individuals. 費恩承認,他的調查沒(méi)有查詢(xún)個(gè)人的行動(dòng)。
- But the F.B.I. argued that the inspector general report was double-counting duplicate recordings. 但FBI反駁說(shuō),檢察長(cháng)報告把那些錄音資料的副本重復計算到總數里了。
- It" s a bit disingenuous for the CIA to refer allegations to the inspector general" after the agency itself approved questionable techniques, he said. 他說(shuō):在這個(gè)機構允許使用有爭議手段后,中情局把辯解提交給檢查官是沒(méi)有誠意的。
- The State Department inspector general is investigating how the passport files of the three presidential candidates were breached. 美國國家機關(guān)檢察長(cháng)正在著(zhù)手調查三名總統候選人的護照資料遭破壞一案。
- "It"s a bit disingenuous for the CIA to refer allegations to the inspector general" after the agency itself approved questionable techniques, he said. 他說(shuō):在這個(gè)機構允許使用有爭議手段后,中情局把辯解提交給檢查官是沒(méi)有誠意的。
- Attorney General Michael Mukasey, who succeeded Gonzales, issued a statement saying he is disturbed by the findings of the inspector general. 接替岡薩雷斯的現任司法部長(cháng)穆凱西發(fā)表的一項聲明說(shuō),他對司法部督察長(cháng)的調查結果感到不安。
- The Inspectorate General of Customs has established a limit of 1 kilo per person per month on gifts of mushrooms mailed into the country from friends or relatives overseas. 海關(guān)總署表示,國內或國外親友以郵寄方式進(jìn)口饋贈之香菇,每人限一公斤,并以每月一次為限。
- The employees' motion also sought leave to amend the complaint in order to substitute the city inspector general for defendant mayor. 雇員們希望市檢察長(cháng)取代被告市長(cháng)的職位以此來(lái)平息人們的抱怨。
- Two previous inspector general reports also faulted the bureau for significant backlogs in reviewing information in other languages. 此前的兩份檢察長(cháng)報告曾同樣指責調查局不及時(shí)審查外語(yǔ)資料,導致大量積壓。
- The Jiebao whole world designed inspector general ian callum happily to be called this process “the pilot to awaken xf”. 買(mǎi)車(chē)的人越來(lái)越多,雖然油價(jià)的上漲讓人感嘆養車(chē)不容易,可也沒(méi)有阻擋住無(wú)車(chē)族買(mǎi)車(chē)的熱情和腳步。
- In addition, the Inspector General determined that the NRC has no procedures in place to check whether the safety reviews are done properly or not. 此外,督察長(cháng)認為原子能管理委員沒(méi)有適當的程序來(lái)判定科技安全評論是否得宜。
- The petition is presented in response to the NRC Office of Inspector General's audit of the agency's license renewal program. 針對督察長(cháng)對原子能管理委員會(huì )之換照許可程序所做的稽核,此次請愿書(shū)便是對其做出回應。
- Fine, the Justice Department inspector general, concludes that the FBI has made great strides in repairing the breaches in the NSL system. Fine下結論說(shuō)FBI在修復針對NSL系統的違法行為邁出了幾大步。
- Last week,Justice Department Inspector General Glenn Fine told a House Judiciary subcommittee that the INS would miss the Jan.30 deadline for the tracking system. 上周,司法部督察長(cháng)格倫·法因向眾議院司法小組委員會(huì )表示,移民歸化局不能按時(shí)在2003年1月30日前完成追蹤系統的建設。