- The society was dedicated to furthering the cause of world peace. 該協(xié)會(huì )致力于推動(dòng)世界和平事業(yè)。
- One should do his best for the cause of world peace. 一個(gè)人應該為世界和平事業(yè)盡最大努力。
- The tournament added a brilliant page to the annals of world table-tennis. 這次比賽給世界乒乓球史增添了光輝的一頁(yè)。
- He was committed to the cause of world peace. 他獻身于謀求世界和平的事業(yè)。
- Geneva has become the stage for many meetings of world leaders. 日內瓦已成為世界領(lǐng)袖經(jīng)常召開(kāi)會(huì )議的地方。
- The collapse of popular respect for the integrity of world leaders. 對世界領(lǐng)袖的正直無(wú)私的普通尊敬的瓦解
- Quite a number of world famous paintings are on show in this exhibition. 有許多的世界名畫(huà)在本次展覽會(huì )上展出。
- He is a great writer of world renown. 他是一位譽(yù)滿(mǎn)全球的大作家。
- The landscape there is of world renown. 那兒的風(fēng)景是世界聞名的。
- The story is set in the early days of World War 2. 這故事以第二次世界大戰初期為背景的。
- They fight in the pacific theater of world war II. 他們在第二次世界大戰的太平洋戰區打過(guò)仗。
- I tackled him on the question of world peace. 我就世界和平的問(wèn)題和他辯論。
- It all simmers down to a matter of world outlook. 歸根結底這是世界觀(guān)問(wèn)題。
- The initiating of world famous brand clothes. 世界名牌服裝的創(chuàng )始人
- There may be millions of worlds in the Milky Way Galaxy. 銀河系中也許有幾百萬(wàn)個(gè)世界。
- The matter is the focus of world attention. 這是舉世矚目的大事。
- The war has the sympathy of world public opinion. 戰爭喚起了國際輿論的同情。
- Therefore, discussing the stresses and stra- ins of Burgers body under external forces has not only the theoretical import- ance in rheology, but also the practical significance. 因此,研究Burgers體在外力作用下的應力和應變,不僅具有流變學(xué)理論上的價(jià)值,而且有很大的現實(shí)意義。
- Jimmie has put a vague idea of world condition now. 杰米對當今世界情況只有一點(diǎn)模糊的了解。
- Objective To study if staphylococcus au reus can be internalized by cultured human osteoblasts and to compare three stra ins of S.aureus in their abilities of invasion. 目的明確金黃色葡萄球菌能否侵入體外培養的人成骨細胞,并比較三個(gè)不同菌株在侵入能力上的差異。