- The industry department is represented on the VTC and the CITA. 工業(yè)署在職業(yè)訓練局和制衣業(yè)訓練局均派有代表,參與有關(guān)工作。
- The Industry Department disseminates environmental information to manufacturers. 工業(yè)署向制造商發(fā)放環(huán)境方面的資料。
- The Trade and Industry Department administers this system and issues certificates of origin. 工業(yè)貿易署負責管理這個(gè)制度,并簽發(fā)產(chǎn)地來(lái)源證。
- The Quality Services Division of the Industry Department provides important quality support services for Hong Kong industry. 工業(yè)署的品質(zhì)事務(wù)部為本港工業(yè)界提供重要的品質(zhì)支援服務(wù)。
- The Trade and Industry Department completed a review of the pilot scheme and considered it to be useful in supporting the development of SMEs. 工業(yè)貿易署已完成試驗計劃的檢討工作,認為該計劃有助支持中小企業(yè)的發(fā)展。
- Which Industry Department will be able to construct and to develop the Satellite Communications in the near future? 近期哪些產(chǎn)業(yè)部門(mén)會(huì )建設和發(fā)展衛星通信?
- The Trade and Industry Department is responsible for providing support services for Small and Medium Enterprises SMEs. 工業(yè)貿易署為中小企業(yè)提供支援服務(wù)。
- The industry department must play tough with those who dominate the food market. 工商部門(mén)要嚴厲打擊菜霸。
- As an important industry department, the logistics can impel the economic development in a country or region strongly. 摘要物流業(yè)是現代經(jīng)濟發(fā)展中的一個(gè)重要產(chǎn)業(yè)部門(mén),對一個(gè)國家和地區的經(jīng)濟發(fā)展起到了巨大的推動(dòng)作用。
- The Trade and Industry Department is represented on the VTC and the CITA whereas the ITC is represented on the VTC committees concerned with the New Technology Training Scheme. 工業(yè)貿易署在職業(yè)訓練局和制衣業(yè)訓練局均派有代表。創(chuàng )新科技署也派有代表,參與職業(yè)訓練局轄下與新科技培訓計劃有關(guān)的委員會(huì )的工作。
- And a Small and Medium Enterprises Office in the Industry Department to provide one-stop information service to our small and medium sized enterprises. 以及在工業(yè)署設立中小型企業(yè)服務(wù)中心,向本港中小型企業(yè)提供綜合資訊服務(wù)。
- Based on productive force which is calculated by nonparametric method, this paper analysis the spillover of FDI to our industry department. 摘要本文通過(guò)非參數性方法得到全要素生產(chǎn)率,考察了FDI對我國工業(yè)行業(yè)技術(shù)進(jìn)步的影響。
- According to the Trade and Industry department said that earlier, a month almost to Uproots 10 to the Tibetan leave dens. 據工商部門(mén)介紹,此前,每個(gè)月差不多要端掉10來(lái)個(gè)這樣的藏假窩點(diǎn)。
- Another Industry Department survey identified 2 490 overseas companies which had established regional headquarters or regional offices in Hong Kong by June 1,1999. 工業(yè)署的另一項調查發(fā)現,截至一九九九年六月一日,共有2490家海外公司在本港設立亞太區總部或分區辦事處。
- In order to strengthen the development of SMEs in Hong Kong,a Small and Medium Enterprises Office (SMEO) was set up in the Industry Department on April 1. 為了促進(jìn)本港中小型企業(yè)發(fā)展,工業(yè)署于四月一日成立中小型企業(yè)辦公室,致力制定政策和協(xié)調推行支援計劃,以提高中小型企業(yè)的競爭力。
- The import,export and,in some cases,transit of strategic commodities are subject to licensing control administered by the Trade and Industry Department. 戰略物品的進(jìn)出口受到工業(yè)貿易署執行的許可證制度所管限,而就某些戰略物品而言,即使只是經(jīng)香港轉運其他地方,亦須領(lǐng)取許可證。
- Another Industry Department survey identified 2 490 overseas companies which had established regional headquarters or regional offices in Hong Kong by June 1, 1999. 工業(yè)署的另一項調查發(fā)現,截至一九九九年六月一日,共有2490家海外公司在本港設立亞太區總部或分區辦事處。
- In order to strengthen the development of SMEs in Hong Kong, a Small and Medium Enterprises Office (SMEO) was set up in the Industry Department on April 1. 為了促進(jìn)本港中小型企業(yè)發(fā)展,工業(yè)署于四月一日成立中小型企業(yè)辦公室,致力制定政策和協(xié)調推行支援計劃,以提高中小型企業(yè)的競爭力。
- The import, export and, in some cases, transit of strategic commodities are subject to licensing control administered by the Trade and Industry Department. 戰略物品的進(jìn)出口受到工業(yè)貿易署執行的許可證制度所管限,而就某些戰略物品而言,即使只是經(jīng)香港轉運其他地方,亦須領(lǐng)取許可證。
- The products have passed: ISO9001, CCC, CE, UL, SASO and honored high-quality product by Chinese government, the permissive products for export by the Light Industry Department. 產(chǎn)品先后通過(guò):ISO9001、CCC、CE、UL、SASO等認證,榮獲中國政府優(yōu)質(zhì)產(chǎn)品,輕工業(yè)部出口許可產(chǎn)品。