- Impact Time Prediction 彈著(zhù)時(shí)間預測
- Practical application shows that the method can achieve more correct cooling time prediction of annealing furnace and meet the need of worksite. 現場(chǎng)應用表明,該方法能夠較為準確地實(shí)現退火爐冷卻時(shí)間預報,滿(mǎn)足了現場(chǎng)要求。
- International opposition: In time predict the trademarks applied by others outside China, and send out suggestions for oppositions. 商標國際異議:及時(shí)預警發(fā)現我市市場(chǎng)主體商標被他人在境外申請并且提出應對措施;
- Fleck J T.Short time prediction of the motion of a ship in waves[A].Proc.Ist Conf.On Ships and Waves[C],October 1954,Published by Council on Wave Research and SNAME. 郜煥秋;劉楚學(xué).;海上實(shí)船運動(dòng)的極短期預報可行性研究[A]
- Most provisions for dynamic tunability (such as setting a debug mode) can seriously impact time efficiency by adding levels of indirection and increasing numbers of branches. 動(dòng)態(tài)可調整性的大部分條款(像是設置一個(gè)調試模式)會(huì )因為增加了間接的級別和分支的數量嚴重的沖擊時(shí)間效率。
- Now you see the notches. This makes maintence much easier, compared to fixed egg case, at the same time provide addition spring loaded effect and extending the impact time. 這就是那兩粗凹粗。這樣相對于固定式蛋盒,要打開(kāi)維護就方便得多,同時(shí)間提供了彈性,有助拖長(cháng)撞擊時(shí)間。
- SOHO came in handy last fall when it caught two large CMEs headed for the earth, but it could not follow the ejecta nor provide an accurate impact time. 去年秋天,SOHO捕捉到兩個(gè)正對地球而來(lái)的大規模CME時(shí),堪稱(chēng)靈敏,不過(guò)它既不能追蹤噴流,又不能提供準確的侵襲時(shí)間。
- According to the time error,the yaw maneuvering command was generated and route dynamic planning on the basis of the pre-determined route was done to control the impact time. 在預定航路基礎上利用時(shí)間誤差信號生成側向機動(dòng)指令,通過(guò)航路動(dòng)態(tài)規劃,實(shí)現對攻擊時(shí)間的控制。
- Also,the experiments had been carried out to study the effects of the high-pressured water jet power,the amount and composition of grinding medium and the impact time on the comminuting capability. 通過(guò)試驗方法研究了高壓水射流功率、研磨介質(zhì)的填充量和配比、沖擊時(shí)間等對該裝置粉碎能力的影響。
- The conclusion is that the time predictable model is more closer to the time series character history earthquakes than the slip predictable model. 結果表明,時(shí)間可預測模式比滑動(dòng)可預測模式更接近膠遼海峽歷史地震的時(shí)間序列特征。
- Fruit juices ferment if they are kept a long time. 果汁若是放置很久,就會(huì )發(fā)酵。
- Time is sometimes called the fourth dimension. 時(shí)間有時(shí)被稱(chēng)為第四度空間。
- I think the work can be completed ahead of time. 我認為這項工作能提前完成。
- He will come on time even though it rains. 即使下雨,他還是會(huì )準時(shí)來(lái)的。
- Reading occupies most of my free time. 閱讀占去了我大部分的閑暇時(shí)間。
- Engine warm up time prediction based on drive cycle data 根據汽車(chē)循環(huán)工況數據預測暖起時(shí)間
- I need some time to orient my thinking. 我需要一些時(shí)間來(lái)使我的思想適應。
- These bullets fragment on impact. 這些子彈射中物體時(shí)爆炸成碎片。
- Bus Arrival Time Prediction Using Support Vector Machines 應用支持向量機預測公交車(chē)運行時(shí)間