- Of HKSAR Immigration Department for processing. 進(jìn)行處理。
- The Immigration Department is tasked to exercise these functions. 入境事務(wù)處負責執行上述職務(wù)。
- The Immigration Department controls the entry of foreigners for employment. 入境事務(wù)處負責處理外地人來(lái)港工作的入境事宜。
- Photographs from slot machine in Immigration Department offices are accepted. 凡入境事務(wù)處內自我拍照機拍攝的相片均合規格。
- The Immigration Department is also a department with good vision and a zeal for constant betterment. 入境處亦是一個(gè)有遠見(jiàn)及不斷求進(jìn)的部門(mén)。
- By controlling entry to the HKSAR,the Immigration Department plays an important role in maintaining law and order. 為了控制進(jìn)入香港特別行政區的人數,移民局在維持香港特別行政區的法紀方面擔當著(zhù)重要的角色。
- An acknowledgement will be sent upon receipt of application by the Immigration Department. 入境事務(wù)處在收到申請后,會(huì )將認收申請的回條寄給申請人。
- For enquiries on permanent resident status, please call the Immigration Department hotline: 2824 4055. 性居民身份的問(wèn)題,請致電入境事務(wù)處熱線(xiàn):2824 4055。
- Just a click, you are able to start the following services of Immigration Department on-line. 只需一按,你便可以開(kāi)始使用以下入境處的服務(wù)。
- What should I submit together with the application to ensure that Immigration Department will accept the application? 申請書(shū)應連同什么文件一并遞交,才能確保入境處會(huì )接受我的聘用家庭傭工申請?
- I have changed my residential address. Do I need to provide proof to the Immigration Department? 我更改了住址,需要向入境事務(wù)處提供證明嗎?
- When should the educational institution inform the Immigration Department in case a student terminates his studies? 如學(xué)生終止學(xué)籍,院校應該何時(shí)通知入境處?
- By controlling entry to the HKSAR, the Immigration Department plays an important role in maintaining law and order. 入境事務(wù)處負責執行入境管制工作,在維持香港特別行政區的法紀方面,擔當重要角色。
- I know that the passing out parade held today bears a special significance to the Immigration Department. 我知道,今天舉行的學(xué)員結業(yè)會(huì )操,對入境處具有特別的意義。
- Taiwan, "immigration department" Changhua the ground team recently discovered a fake marriage group. 臺“移民署”彰化專(zhuān)勤隊近期查獲一個(gè)假結婚集團。
- Overseas employees are not allowed to change employment or take up part time job without the permission of the Immigration Department. 海外雇員,未經(jīng)入境處許可,不得在本港轉換工作或從事兼職工作。
- Must FDH employment contracts be notarized by corresponding consulates before Immigration Department approve FDH employment visas? 入境處批出雇傭工作簽證給傭工前,其雇傭合約是否須經(jīng)由有關(guān)的領(lǐng)事館公證作實(shí)?
- Find out to which section of the Immigration Department you should submit your applications for visas entry permits and extensions of stay. 你可在此網(wǎng)頁(yè)瀏覽有關(guān)遞交簽證及延長(cháng)逗留期限申請的入境事務(wù)處組別,并查看其地址及辦公時(shí)間。
- For unsuccessful application, refund of fee paid for delivery of restoration certificate will be arranged by the HKSAR Immigration Department. 如果你的申請不獲批準,香港特別行政區入境事務(wù)處會(huì )安排退還已繳付的運送證書(shū)的費用給你。
- Fong Tsun Kit becomes friends with two other candidates Cheng Pak Yue and Yip On Kei while applying for a post in the Immigration Department. 方浚杰(郭晉安)因投考入境處而認識同期學(xué)員鄭柏宇(曹永廉)及葉安琪(蒙嘉慧),叁人遂成好友。