- He was watch ing the crowd go by. 他注視著(zhù)人群走過(guò)。
- He cavalierly dismisses the theory of both Freud and Jung. 他傲慢武斷地斥貶佛洛依德和楊格二人的理論。
- Consumer goods production was to go up by6.6percent ing that city. 在那個(gè)城市消費品生產(chǎn)將增長(cháng)6.6%。
- In Ch ina , it is not e a sy to give the child a good liv ing, even you h a ve only one child! 在中國現在生一個(gè)孩子養好了都費力呀!
- "Hsu Man-li," she said, on the spur of the moment. “是徐曼麗叫我來(lái)的喲
- He is ey(e)ing a run for the governor next year. 他在考慮明年要競選州長(cháng)。
- Continue climb to FL260 on radial190 CH. 在ch方位190度繼續爬升到高度層260。
- Jung Jun-Ho is a famous actor in Korea. 鄭俊浩是韓國著(zhù)名男演員。
- Hsu Chi has endorsed the famous brand of make-up. 舒淇幫這個(gè)知名的化妝品品牌代言。
- Ch an Ching Wai World Intelligence Project. 清偉全球智能工程。
- Jung did not consider himself insane. 容格并不認為自己有精神病。
- Minfang Hsu play Chopin Sonata No.2 4st mov. 臺灣徐敏芳演奏蕭邦:第二號鋼琴奏鳴曲,...
- Ch us how to develop photographs. 老師將教我們如何沖洗。
- The act of ro ing someone at gu oint. 持槍相威脅,搶奪他人財物的行為。
- Dein Herz erreichen, solange bist Du jung. 那麼,你總能保持年輕。
- Et Pax.Subsp.Standishii Hsu et H. 拉丁植物動(dòng)物礦物名:Lonicera fragrantissima Lindl.
- Accomplish other jobs disposed by CH and Sr. 完成教學(xué)主管和中心主任布置的其它工作。
- But Jung surprised a lot of people. 但是,鐘接手雅芳后,卻向眾人展示了奇跡。
- The Study of Aesthetic Psychology in Ch. 語(yǔ)文課堂審美心理研究;
- In the sho ing mall, which is o osite the hotel. 在旅館對面的購物中心里。