- H-Shares A share of a Chinese company listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. 在香港股票市場(chǎng)上市的中國公司股票。
- The share of a Mainland Chinese company listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. 在香港交易所上市的中國大陸公司。
- HSI An index of the leading stocks on the Hong Kong stock market. 恒生指數包含香港股票市場(chǎng)主要股票的指數。
- Hong Kong stocks open markedly higher. 香港股市明顯高開(kāi)。
- Funds were courted capital shares, to promote Hong Kong stock market Friday the record high. 資金追捧中資股,推動(dòng)周五港股市場(chǎng)再創(chuàng )新高。
- Result unfounded doubts is alive bit earn early in the United States and Hong Kong stock market went greatly. 結果心眼兒活點(diǎn)兒早在美國以及香港股市賺大去了。
- Lenovo financed its assault by listing on the Hong Kong stock market in 1994, raising nearly $30 million. 1994年聯(lián)想集團的股票在香港證券交易所掛牌上市,融資近3000萬(wàn)美元。
- With a total market capitalisation of $4,727 billion, the Hong Kong stock market ranked tenth in the world and second in Asia. 本港股票市場(chǎng)的市場(chǎng)資本總值為47,270億元,是世界第十大市場(chǎng),在亞洲排名第二。
- Hong Kong stocks on the run, that Bullinger had bottomed out. 就港股而言,布林格認為已經(jīng)見(jiàn)底。
- Please note that only securities listed in Hong Kong Stock Exchange may be transacted for an Internet trading Account. 請注意,網上交易帳戶只可買賣香港聯合交易所上市之證券。
- China Pacific, the country's third largest insurer, is reviving its delayed Hong Kong stock listing. 中國第三大保險商太平洋保險將重啟推遲的香港上市計劃。
- It said the company's Hong Kong stock market debut this year made billionaires of Yang and four other people. 并說(shuō)今年公司股票在香港的上市使的楊和其他四個(gè)人成為十億美元以上的富翁。
- With a total market capitalisation of $4,727 billion,the Hong Kong stock market ranked tenth in the world and second in Asia. 本港股票市場(chǎng)的市場(chǎng)資本總值為47,270億元,是世界第十大市場(chǎng),在亞洲排名第二。
- Record initial public offering activities and a generally strong domestic and regional economy took the Hong Kong stock market to new highs. 香港方面,破紀錄的首次公開(kāi)招股活動(dòng)以及強勁的本地及區內經(jīng)濟,帶動(dòng)股市攀上新高。
- The unit trust listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in 1999 to dispose of part of the Exchange Funds Hong Kong equity portfolio. 1999年在香港交易所上市的單位信托基金,其目的是出售外匯基金持有的部分香港股票。
- The LSE is also working with the Hong Kong Stock Exchange to allow companies that plan to list on both markets to use a single prospectus. 倫敦證交所也在與香港聯(lián)交所協(xié)作,以便讓計劃在這兩個(gè)市場(chǎng)上市的公司使用單一招股說(shuō)明書(shū)。
- AChinese preview of this week's government-funded recapitalization ofthe banks came in the Hong Kong stock market crash of August 1998. 早在1998年香港股市遭遇危機的時(shí)候,中國就實(shí)施過(guò)像本周美國政府救助銀行一樣的舉措。
- About a third of Zijin is publicly listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and has a market capitalization of about $499 million. 紫金大約三分之一的股份在香港證券交易所公開(kāi)上市,市值約為4.;99億美元。
- For example, it can share disclosure information with the Hong Kong stock exchange and act accordantly in cases of unexpected events. 比如,上交所可以與香港交易所同步信息披露,在突發(fā)事件中與香港交易所共同行動(dòng)。
- Standard Chartered PLC, listed on both London and Hong Kong stock exchanges, ranks among the top 25 companies in the FTSE-100 by market capitalisation. 渣打集團分別在倫敦及香港交易所上市,名列富時(shí)100指數首25家公司(以市值計算)。