- Members noted that in Hong Kong financial markets continued to be stable but economic activity remained weak. 委員會(huì )成員又獲悉,雖然香港金融市場(chǎng)保持穩定,但經(jīng)濟活動(dòng)仍然疲弱。
- He hoped that Hong Kongs financial infrastructure could contribute to the Mainlands financial market reform, in particular its reform of the foreign exchange market. 他希望香港的金融基礎設施可以為中國金融市場(chǎng),特別是外匯市場(chǎng)改革作出貢獻。
- Hong Kong Financial Services Expo. 第二屆香港金融服務(wù)博覽會(huì )。
- In the global financial market, Hong Kong is No. 3 after New York and London. 在全球融市場(chǎng),香港排在紐約和倫敦之后,雄居第三。
- As IMF noted in its recent assessment, the banking system in Hong Kong will be able to withstand the effects of the recent financial market volatility. 正如國際貨幣基金組織在最近的評估中指出,香港的銀行體系足有能力抵御近期金融市場(chǎng)波動(dòng)所帶來(lái)的沖擊。
- As IMF noted in its recent assessment,the banking system in Hong Kong will be able to withstand the effects of the recent financial market volatility. 正如國際貨幣基金組織在最近的評估中指出,香港的銀行體系足有能力抵御近期金融市場(chǎng)波動(dòng)所帶來(lái)的沖擊。
- Hong Kong's financial markets are characterised by a high degree of liquidity. 本港金融市場(chǎng)的特色是資金流動(dòng)性高。
- The international financial market and the exchange industry are changing rapidly. Hong Kong must respond proactively to secure its leadership within the region and to reinforce its position as a global financial centre. 國際金融市場(chǎng)和證券業(yè)的發(fā)展瞬息萬(wàn)變,香港必須反應迅速,方能鞏固國際金融中心的地位,繼續在亞洲處于領(lǐng)導位置。
- But Hong Kong Financial Secretary Henry Tang urged the company to consider lowering the upper limit. 但香港財政司司長(cháng)唐英年要求迪斯尼公司考慮降低入園人數的上限。
- The financial market of Hong Kong continues to recover from the Asian financial turmoil while at the same time the Government continues to pursue the implementation of various improvement measures introduced in the wake of the financial crisis. 香港金融市場(chǎng)繼續從亞洲金融風(fēng)暴中復蘇過(guò)來(lái);另一方面,政府繼續貫徹實(shí)行自金融危機以來(lái)引入的各項改善措施。
- Hong Kong's derivatives market is among Asia's largest, reflecting the increased sophistication of its financial markets. 本港的衍生金融工具市場(chǎng)是亞洲最大市場(chǎng)之一,反映本港金融市場(chǎng)日趨先進(jìn)。
- This is an important exercise which helps to ensure that the Hong Kong financial sector complies with international standards in the fight against money laundering. 這項工作非常重要,能有助確保香港金融業(yè)符合國際上有關(guān)打擊洗錢(qián)活動(dòng)的標準。
- Hong Kong's derivatives market is among Asia's largest,reflecting the increased sophistication of its financial markets. 本港的衍生金融工具市場(chǎng)是亞洲最大市場(chǎng)之一,反映本港金融市場(chǎng)日趨先進(jìn)。
- Unlike other international financial centres, the Hong Kong financial platform plays the additional, important role of marrying savings and investments that are both foreign. 香港與其他國際金融中心不同的地方是,香港的金融平臺多具備一個(gè)重要的角色,就是將海外儲蓄與海外投資結合。
- A new item is added to insert the amount of share-based payments charged to the Profit and Loss Account in accordance with the Hong Kong Financial Reporting Standard 2. 新增了一個(gè)項目,以填報依香港財務(wù)報告準則第2號在損益帳內扣除基于股份的開(kāi)支。
- Hong Kong,with our access,knowledge and expertise of the global financial market,and our position as the primary gateway to China,looks forward to both taking advantage of and contributing towards the development of our country. 香港既有進(jìn)入國際金融市場(chǎng)的便利,而且掌握了有關(guān)金融市場(chǎng)的專(zhuān)門(mén)知識和技術(shù),本身又是通往中國的主要門(mén)戶(hù),因此我們期望可以充分利用祖國發(fā)展所帶來(lái)的機會(huì ),同時(shí)亦對祖國的發(fā)展作出貢獻。
- Hong Kong, with our access, knowledge and expertise of the global financial market, and our position as the primary gateway to China, looks forward to both taking advantage of and contributing towards the development of our country. 香港既有進(jìn)入國際金融市場(chǎng)的便利,而且掌握了有關(guān)金融市場(chǎng)的專(zhuān)門(mén)知識和技術(shù),本身又是通往中國的主要門(mén)戶(hù),因此我們期望可以充分利用祖國發(fā)展所帶來(lái)的機會(huì ),同時(shí)亦對祖國的發(fā)展作出貢獻。
- A highly educated workforce and ease of entry for professional staff from overseas further contribute to the development of financial markets in Hong Kong. 香港的勞動(dòng)人口有一定教育水平,海外專(zhuān)業(yè)人士也容易來(lái)港工作,進(jìn)一步推動(dòng)本港金融市場(chǎng)的發(fā)展。
- The increase in Mainland portfolio investment would benefit Hong Kongs financial services industry. 同時(shí),內地的境外證券投資增長(cháng)會(huì )有利香港金融服務(wù)業(yè)的發(fā)展。
- Hong Kong has a modern infrastructure and a mature financial market, is the world's major gathering of investors, Alliance Bank of India called for the establishment of a branch location of choice. 香港擁有現代化的基礎設施和成熟的金融市場(chǎng),又是全球主要投資者聚集的地方,對印度聯(lián)業(yè)銀行來(lái)說(shuō)堪稱(chēng)設立分行地點(diǎn)的不二之選。