- 常用in common usage
- 膠布皮膚牽引法用于兩歲以下的小兒,以治療股骨骨折。Adhesive skin traction is used for a fractured femur in the child less than two years of age.
- 可用do
- 上臂骨折用金屬絲網(wǎng)夾板net for fractured arm, wire
- 不用need not
- 骨盆骨折臟器損害及骶髂關(guān)節脫位并同側股骨骨折的救治Cure of the fracture of pelvis, visceral injury, dislocation of sacro-iliac joint and homolateral femoral fracture
- 用法usage
- 有用useful
- 老年股骨骨折Thighbone fracture of aged patients
- 股骨thighbone
- 家用home-use
- 用電electro-
- 天鵝型記憶接骨器的研制及其對全髖關(guān)節置換術(shù)后股骨骨折的治療Swan-like memory compressive connector in treatment of femoral fracture after total hip replacement
- 沒(méi)用useless
- 不用謝You're welcome
- 股骨骨折/治療femoral fractures/therapy
- 用手by hand
- 用力exert oneself (physically)
- 可用空間space available
- 股骨骨折髓內釘固定術(shù)前后髓內壓變化與脂肪入侵的研究Change of intramedullary pressure and fat intravasation during intramedully nailing of fresh femoral fractures