- The HKSAR Government is organised into bureaux and departments. 香港特別行政區政府在組織上分為局和部門(mén)。
- The building is now the Court of Final Appeal of the HKSAR Government. 那兒是現時(shí)的特區政府終審法院。
- What is the amount of fiscal reserves currently held by the HKSAR Government? 香港特區政府現時(shí)擁有多少財政儲備?
- The Beijing Office also provides logistical support to visiting delegations of the HKSAR Government. 該辦事處亦為訪(fǎng)問(wèn)內地的特區政府代表團提供后勤支援。
- I am most pleased to note that the Rehabilitation International will present to the HKSAR Government a Life Patron Membership. 我很高興知道,國際復康總會(huì )將給予香港特區政府永久會(huì )員的資格。
- The department was the largest civilian department within the HKSAR Government with a staffing of about 16 800. 該署職員約16800人,是香港特別行政區政府架構中最龐大的文職部門(mén)。
- On behalf of the HKSAR Government, I would like to express our heartfelt thanks to Mr Ma and his colleagues. 我謹代表特區政府,向馬特派員和特派員公署的朋友們,致以衷心的謝意。
- The HKSAR Government's foremost task is to help to enhance Hong Kong's economic vitality and sustain economic growth. 特區政府的首要工作,是協(xié)助香港加強經(jīng)濟活力和維持經(jīng)濟增長(cháng)。
- The HKSAR government is committed to fight corruption in every area of public and private life. 香港特區政府大力肅貪倡廉,致力杜絕公營(yíng)和私營(yíng)機構一切貪污行為。
- On behalf of the HKSAR Government,I would like to express our heartfelt thanks to Mr Ma and his colleagues. 我謹代表特區政府,向馬特派員和特派員公署的朋友們,致以衷心的謝意。
- The CPG has instructed the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation to set up a special task force to jointly study the proposal with the HKSAR Government. 中央人民政府已指示對外貿易經(jīng)濟合作部成立專(zhuān)門(mén)小組,與特區共同研究這建議。
- The Government Flying Service (GFS) is a disciplined service providing flying support to departments and agencies of the HKSAR Government. 政府飛行服務(wù)隊是一支紀律部隊,為香港特別行政區政府各部門(mén)和機構提供各類(lèi)飛行支援。
- The HKSAR Government's financial management continues to be prudent - our budget surplus for this year will exceed two per cent of our GDP. 香港特別行政區政府繼續審慎理財,本年度的預算盈馀將超逾本地生產(chǎn)總值百分之二。
- The officials of the HKSAR Government cherished these core values as much as the people of Hong Kong did. 跟所有香港市民一樣,特區政府十分珍惜這些核心價(jià)值。
- Second, they did not realise that the HKSAR Government was far from the sitting duck they thought we were, he said. 第二,它們并不知道香港特別行政區政府并非如它們所想的,這么容易便上釣。
- The HKSAR Government SME Committee was set up to look for ways to help SMEs in time of economic downturn. 香港特別行政區政府成立中小企委員會(huì ),目的是協(xié)助中小企的發(fā)展,特別在經(jīng)濟低迷的期間。
- Its capital is wholly owned by the HKSAR Government, which also guarantees its maximum contingent liability, currently standing at $10 billion. 信保局的資本全數由香港特區政府擁有,而特區政府又為該局的最高或有負債提供保證,目前的限額為100億元。
- The HKSAR Government are currently studying the desirability of instituting policies to curb GHG emissions. 香港特別行政區政府目前正在研究制定抑制GHG排放法規的必要性。
- She is also appointed as an Adjudicator by the HKSAR Government to sit on the Registration of Persons Tribunal. 羅女士早年曾經(jīng)在倫敦一家律師事務(wù)所擔任實(shí)習律師。
- Tsang Tak-sing, JP, Secretary for Home Affairs, HKSAR Government to officiate the Opening Ceremony. 香港特區政府民政事務(wù)局局長(cháng)曾德成先生將蒞臨為主禮嘉賓。