- In some places, for example, eastern Hopei, the whole area of guerrilla operations has been a guerrilla zone from the very beginning. 有些地方的游擊戰爭,全部活動(dòng)地區開(kāi)始都是游擊區,例如冀東的游擊戰爭。
- Only after we have done all this can we get small guerrilla units to dispatch or establish small local units, and keep up guerrilla operations. 完成了這樣的準備工作,我們便有可能派出或由本地生長(cháng)出小型游擊隊,堅持當地的經(jīng)常的游擊戰爭。
- In some places,for example,eastern Hopei,the whole area of guerrilla operations has been a guerrilla zone from the very beginning. 有些地方的游擊戰爭,全部活動(dòng)地區開(kāi)始都是游擊區,例如冀東的游擊戰爭。
- Only after we have done all this can we get small guerrilla units to dispatch or establish small local units,and keep up guerrilla operations. 完成了這樣的準備工作,我們便有可能派出或由本地生長(cháng)出小型游擊隊,堅持當地的經(jīng)常的游擊戰爭。
- Undaunted, he returned to China to the new Nationalist capital in Chungking where he became involved in the support of guerrilla operations. 隨后,他又以大無(wú)畏的精神重返中國前往陪都重慶,在那里他開(kāi)始從事對游擊作戰的支持活動(dòng)。
- During our guerrilla operations in Suichuan in October,we collected more than ten thousand yuan,which will last us some time,and we shall see what can be done when it is spent. 十月在遂川游擊,籌得萬(wàn)余元,可用一時(shí),用完再講。
- Guerrilla operations in enemy-occupied areas should be combined with the application of the dual revolutionary policy,providing the main support for its application. 敵占區游擊戰爭必須與革命兩面政策相結合,而成為執行革命兩面政策的主要依靠。
- Guerrilla operations in enemy-occupied areas should be combined with the application of the dual revolutionary policy, providing the main support for its application. 敵占區游擊戰爭必須與革命兩面政策相結合,而成為執行革命兩面政策的主要依靠。
- During our guerrilla operations in Suichuan in October, we collected more than ten thousand yuan, which will last us some time, and we shall see what can be done when it is spent. 十月在遂川游擊,籌得萬(wàn)余元,可用一時(shí),用完再講。
- Only in favourable circumstances is it advisable to divide our forces for guerrilla operations, and it is only then that the leaders need not stay with the ranks all the time, as they must in adverse circumstances. 只有在好的環(huán)境里才好分兵游擊,領(lǐng)導者也不如在惡劣環(huán)境時(shí)的刻不能離?!?/li>
- Although conditions in enemy-occupied areas may be favourable for us to wage guerrilla operations there, setting up small guerrilla base areas there is an arduous task. However, to think it is easy reflects a false perspective. 盡管敵占區存在著(zhù)開(kāi)展游擊戰爭的良好的條件,但在敵占區建立小塊游擊根據地仍然是一個(gè)艱難的創(chuàng )造,如果以為隨便可以干起來(lái)那只是一種幻想。
- Although conditions in enemy-occupied areas may be favourable for us to wage guerrilla operations there,setting up small guerrilla base areas there is an arduous task. However,to think it is easy reflects a false perspective. 盡管敵占區存在著(zhù)開(kāi)展游擊戰爭的良好的條件,但在敵占區建立小塊游擊根據地仍然是一個(gè)艱難的創(chuàng )造,如果以為隨便可以干起來(lái)那只是一種幻想。
- They were defeated in their advance on Chaochow and Swatow,Kwangtung Province,and some units,led by Comrades Chu Teh,Lin Piao and Chen Yi,withdrew to southern Hunan via Kiangsi to carry on guerrilla operations. 在潮州、汕頭一帶失敗后,一部分到達海陸豐地區,繼續在廣東堅持斗爭,另一部分由朱德、陳毅等率領(lǐng)退出廣東,經(jīng)福建、江西,轉入湖南南部,會(huì )合當地農軍舉行湘南起義,開(kāi)展蘇維埃運動(dòng)。
- Only in favourable circumstances is it advisable to divide our forces for guerrilla operations,and it is only then that the leaders need not stay with the ranks all the time,as they must in adverse circumstances. 只有在好的環(huán)境里才好分兵游擊,領(lǐng)導者也不如在惡劣環(huán)境時(shí)的刻不能離。
- Since the armed forces of the country as a whole are numerically strong,some of them should be used for frontal defence and some dispersed to carry on guerrilla operations,but the main forces should always be concentrated against the enemy's flanks. 若在全國軍隊,因其數量廣大,應以一部守正面及以另一部分散進(jìn)行游擊戰,主力也應經(jīng)常集中地使用于敵之翼側。
- Democrats too have launched a guerrilla operation to snag women in this presidential election. 在此次總統選舉中,民主黨也發(fā)動(dòng)了一場(chǎng)游擊戰攻勢,企圖拉攏女性選民。
- In nearby buildings, more-experienced resistance fighters are taught commando tactics by ex-Army officers, using large wall maps and a film projector to show footage of anti-Soviet guerrilla operations. 在臨近的房屋室內,經(jīng)驗多一點(diǎn)的抵抗戰士由舊軍官講授突擊戰術(shù),并配以大幅掛圖和使用放映機放映反蘇游擊戰役的紀錄影片。
- Since the armed forces of the country as a whole are numerically strong, some of them should be used for frontal defence and some dispersed to carry on guerrilla operations, but the main forces should always be concentrated against the enemy's flanks. 若在全國軍隊,因其數量廣大,應以一部守正面及以另一部分散進(jìn)行游擊戰,主力也應經(jīng)常集中地使用于敵之翼側。
- They were defeated in their advance on Chaochow and Swatow, Kwangtung Province, and some units, led by Comrades Chu Teh, Lin Piao and Chen Yi, withdrew to southern Hunan via Kiangsi to carry on guerrilla operations. 在潮州、汕頭一帶失敗后,一部分到達海陸豐地區,繼續在廣東堅持斗爭,另一部分由朱德、陳毅等率領(lǐng)退出廣東,經(jīng)福建、江西,轉入湖南南部,會(huì )合當地農軍舉行湘南起義,開(kāi)展蘇維埃運動(dòng)。
- It is a matter of clarifying the relation between guerrilla and regular warfare on the operational level, in the light of the nature of actual guerrilla operations. 這是依據游擊戰爭具體行動(dòng)的性質(zhì),說(shuō)明它在作戰上和正規戰爭的關(guān)系。