- Well-connected Kikuyu business leaders are trying to persuade Mr Kibaki to give in and form a government of national unity. 無(wú)所不知,無(wú)所不能的基庫尤商界領(lǐng)袖正在試圖勸說(shuō)奇貝吉先生宣布成立一個(gè)統一團結的政府。
- Habib adds that to do so the Zimbabwe leader needs a government of national unity and needs the MDC to be part of it. 因此,穆加貝需要一個(gè)全國團結政府,需要爭取民主變革運動(dòng)參加。
- Zimbabwe's Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) leader, Morgan Tsvangirai, has rejected the African Union call for a government of national unity. 津巴布韋“爭取民主變革運動(dòng)”領(lǐng)導人茨萬(wàn)吉拉伊拒絕非洲聯(lián)盟提出的建立民族團結政府的呼吁。
- Washington has said a government of national unity will strengthen Iraqand improve its ability to maintain its own security, paving the way for some U.S. Troops to go home. 華盛頓已經(jīng)說(shuō)過(guò),一個(gè)民族統一的政府將會(huì )增強伊拉克的力量,改善其保持自身安全的能力,為一些美國軍隊回國鋪平道路。
- THE document that provides for a government of national unity to end Robert Mugabe's tyranny in Zimbabwe is riddled with contradictions and ambiguities (see article). 津巴布韋達成了一項協(xié)議,想通過(guò)建立全國統一政府來(lái)制裁穆加貝的暴政。
- Yet, whatever their private ambitions, Mr Dahal has offered to join a government of national unity if the president rescinds his reinstatement of the army chief. 不論他們私下的野心是什么,如果總統撤銷(xiāo)他對軍隊將領(lǐng)的復職令,達哈提出加入聯(lián)合政府的條件。
- Both groups say they are keen to include other parties in their government of national unity, especially Arab Sunnis. The Sunnis make up about one-fourth of the population, but won only a few parliamentary seats, because of a boycott of the elections. 雙方都表示希望其他的黨派,尤其是遜尼派阿拉伯人也加入他們的全國團結政府。遜尼派阿拉伯人占伊拉克人口總數的四分之一,但是由于他們抵制了選舉,最后只獲得少數議會(huì )席位。
- In the 1980s, Mr Mugabe's regime first killed many thousands of people in Matabeleland, in the west and south, before co-opting its then main rival party in a government of national unity. 20世紀80年代,在選中它當時(shí)在民族團結政府的主要競爭黨派之前,穆加貝先生的政權殺害了數以千計生活在瑪塔貝利大陸西部和南部的人民。
- The final resolution encourages Mr. Mugabe and Movement for Democratic Change leader Morgan Tsvangirai to enter a dialogue, and support the idea of a Kenya-style government of national unity. 最后決議鼓勵穆加貝跟“爭取民主與變革運動(dòng)”領(lǐng)導人茨萬(wàn)吉拉伊進(jìn)行對話(huà),并表示支持津巴布韋組成肯尼亞模式的全國團結政府。
- Government of National Unity and Reconciliation 民族團結與和解政府
- Interim Government of National Unity 民族團結臨時(shí)政府(臨時(shí)政府)
- Interim Government of National Unity; 阿富汗臨時(shí)政府;
- Government of National Reconciliation in C? 科特迪瓦民族和解政府;
- National unity is essential in time of war. 舉國團結在戰時(shí)是非常重要的。
- A sense of the importance of national unity stands behind the party's thinking. 全國團結這一至關(guān)重要的思想是該黨的指導思想。
- Let the whole nation see how patriotic the Communist Party is, how peace-loving and how desirous of national unity. 讓全國人民看到,共產(chǎn)黨多么愛(ài)國,多么愛(ài)好和平,多么要民族團結。
- With such a state of national unity the problem of disloyalty or isolationism scarcely existed. 有了這樣全國團結的局面,不忠貞和孤立主義問(wèn)題就幾乎不存在了。
- He ripped off the government of a million dollars. 他詐騙了政府一百萬(wàn)元。
- The main theme of the election campaign, which was less appealing, was one of national unity in the fight against inflation. 競選運動(dòng)的主要口號,國民團結一致,克服通貨膨脹,則相形見(jiàn)絀。
- Green symbolizes independence and hope, the white symbolizes peace and religious beliefs, the red symbol of national unity. 綠色象征獨立和希望,白色象征和平與宗教信仰,紅色象征國家的統一。