Marx, Engels, Lenin and their main disciples and co-thinkers like Rosa Luxemburg, Trotsky, Gramsci, Otto Bauer, Rudolf Hilferding, Bukharin et al. 馬克思,恩格斯,列寧和他們的主要弟子和合作的思想家一樣,羅莎盧森堡,托洛茨基,葛蘭西,奧托寶華,魯道夫希爾弗丁,布哈林等人。
Sometimes it is argued that Bukharin intended his statements at his public trial to reveal that the entire process was based on fictions, despite making formal admissions of guilt. 有時(shí)布哈林聲稱(chēng)將他在公開(kāi)審訊中的言論揭露在以整個(gè)審判過(guò)程為基礎的小說(shuō)上,不管有沒(méi)有正式認罪。