- This is the indigenous system of medicine in India. 這是印度本土的醫學(xué)體系。
- This section, combined with Tutorial 4, will help you get the most from Deep Paint 3D's system of Presets. 這部分,結合指南4,將幫助你掌握大多數深繪3D系統的預設。
- China’s humiliating naval defeat at the hands of Japan in 1895 only confirmed the obsolescence of China’s system of government. 囿于當時(shí)內憂(yōu)外患的特定歷史條件,共和政體只是曇花一現,專(zhuān)制主義旋即卷土重來(lái)。
- A question I have been asker innumerable times,especially when traveling abroad,is,america's system of higher education so good? 我們有多種多樣的學(xué)校,包括規模不大的文科學(xué)院、常春藤盟校和政府撥贈土地的大學(xué),還有專(zhuān)業(yè)性較強的院校,如麻省理工學(xué)院或加州理工學(xué)院。
- This need not come as a surprise because surgery (Shastrakarma) is one of the eight branches of Ayurveda the ancient Indian system of medicine. 不必為此驚訝,因為手術(shù)(Shastrakarma)是古代印度醫藥體系中印度草醫學(xué)八分支之一。
- Right?) Instead, let me emphasize how unconvincing this vision is to most people who deal with China’s system of extensive, if imperfect, Internet controls. (自己看,就不翻譯了)) 接著(zhù),我要強調這個(gè)愿景對于大多數受到即便是不完美的審查制度影響的公眾來(lái)講,是如何不令人信服。
- On this base, the paper tries to design the frame of China"s system of deposit insurance and to make suggestions for resoling possible problems when establishing the system. 并對建立我國存款保險制度可能出現的問(wèn)題提出了解決的建議。
- Part four applies the method of interest analysis to the subject, raises some reform measures on how to innovate our nation"s system of supervising administration. 第四部分,在借鑒現有研究成果的基礎上,運用利益分析的方法,提出了改革和重構我國行政監督體制的系統方案。
- Background: Desmodium gangeticum of Leguminosae has been widely used in the indigenous system of medicine as a tradition herb in Taiwan and other countries. 摘要:背景:屬于豆科的大葉山螞蝗在臺灣和其他亞熱帶國家都曾將它用來(lái)當做袪瘀活血及消炎的外用藥。
- Firstly, it makes an analysis on the theory fundament of our country"s system of presenting civil actiones publicae populares by the prosecutorial organisation. 首先,對我國檢察機關(guān)提起民事訴訟制度理論基礎進(jìn)行分析,分析了深藏于背后的原因是訴訟主體的缺位。
- Nowadays the serious unsymmetrical between the high-grade theory and low-grade clinic treatment system of medicine results in the passive situation of contemporary medicine. 當今醫學(xué)理論的高端化和滯后的臨床治療體系的嚴重不對稱(chēng),導致了當代醫學(xué)極為被動(dòng)的局面。
- The two systems of government are polar opposites. 這兩種政體正好相反。
- On these islands a system of barter is used. 在這些島上仍然實(shí)行著(zhù)物物交換的制度。
- The paper holds, from the perspective of Wincklemann"s system of experience, his arguement of "freedom" and "beauty" promotes the creationary question of mundane "human" to an outstanding position. 本文認為,溫克爾曼從經(jīng)驗的體系出發(fā),通過(guò)對“自由”和“美”的問(wèn)題的論述把世俗的“人”在歷史中的創(chuàng )造性問(wèn)題推到了一個(gè)明顯的位置。
- The origins of this system of medicine are lost in the hoary past, and the body of knowledge that comes under the heading Ayurveda constitutes ideas about diseases, diagnosis and cure, which have been accumulated over the ages past. 這種醫學(xué)體系的起源在久遠的過(guò)去已經(jīng)丟失,歸入阿育吠陀的知識主體是由疾病、論斷和治療等思想組成,比過(guò)去的年代積聚的還要多。
- A practitioner of a system of logic. 邏輯學(xué)家使用某一邏輯體系的人
- Advocacy of such a system of government. 聯(lián)邦主義這種政府體制的主張
- This article designs a system of telemedicine.Though the intercommunication of words, image and voice, the simultaneous consultation of medicine experts from different place can be processed. 本文設計的遠程會(huì )診系統通過(guò)文字、圖象和語(yǔ)音的交互,實(shí)現了不同地域的醫療專(zhuān)家同時(shí)會(huì )診。
- I prefer this system of teaching English. 我喜歡這一種英語(yǔ)教授方法。
- Homeopathy is a system of medicine based on the belief that the body can heal itself.It uses natural substances, which are specially prepared, to stimulate the body towards homeostasis, or balance. 順勢療法是一種建立在人的自身機體能夠治愈自已基礎上的醫療體系它采用天然的物質(zhì),經(jīng)過(guò)特別的處理,能刺激身體趨向自我穩定,或平衡。