- Schroder has pending applications in Hong Kong for retail funds of hedge funds and single-strategy funds. 在香港?寶源投資管理公司正在申請對沖基金的零售基金以及單一策略基金。
- Some of this year's redemption edginess is especially pronounced at funds of hedge funds, which raise money from pension funds and wealthy individuals and select hedge funds for them. 今年的一些撤資潮對對沖基金型基金尤其明顯。此類(lèi)基金從退休基金和富有的個(gè)人手中籌資,并選擇對沖基金進(jìn)行投資。
- In this strategy, endowments must be the envy of hedge funds. 運用這一招,捐贈資金定會(huì )讓對沖資金感到眼紅。
- EVEN tarnished stars shine brightly in the world of hedge funds. 在對沖基金這個(gè)世界中,即使已經(jīng)失去光澤的星星也可重放光芒。
- The West End is full of hedge funds, oil barons and old money. 倫敦西區到處是對沖基金、石油大亨和舊富們。
- Let me make myself clear. I do not object to the existence of hedge funds. 我必須澄清一點(diǎn),我并不反對對沖基金的存在。
- Second, what is the optimal proportion of hedge funds in a portfolio? 其次,在一個(gè)投資組合中對沖基金的最適比例是多少?
- Emanuel Derman of Prisma Capital Partners, a fund of hedge funds, has shown that for many strategies good hedge funds continue to outperform their peers and bad funds tend to remain in the same rut; PrismaCapitalPartners的艾曼紐.;德?tīng)柭?,對沖基金的一支,已經(jīng)顯示出(端倪),對于諸多戰略來(lái)說(shuō),好的對沖基金將更上一層樓,而壞的基金則固步不前;
- The list of hedge fund industry standards, as well as those in the industry who are seeking mandatory things. 該排行榜是對沖基金行業(yè)的標準,也是那些希望在該行業(yè)逐利的人所必讀的東西。
- We are not advocating capital controls but are looking for improved transparency, accountability and better supervision of hedge fund operations. 我們并不倡議資金管制,但期望市場(chǎng)運作的透明度提高,并且加強責任的承擔和對對沖基金運作的監管。
- The closure of the second largest hedge fund of U.S.A.--tiger fund seems to indicate the propagation of the hedge fund is moving towards declining. 美國第二大對沖基金老虎基金的歇業(yè)似乎標志著(zhù)對沖基金的炒作在走向衰敗。
- Failures of hedge funds, margin calls and shorting could lead to cascading falls in prices. 對沖基金、保證金追繳通知和做空行為的失敗可能導致股價(jià)連續暴跌。
- Pierpont Morgan, stemmed the Panic of 1907, a financial crisis caused by unregulated trusts (the hedge funds of their day). 他在其華爾街的辦公室中充當了實(shí)際上的最后貸款人的角色,受到了人們的追捧。
- "De-leverage" of hedge funds also constitutes a harm, and affected the profitability of such funds. “去杠桿化”對對沖基金也構成了傷害,并影響了此類(lèi)基金的獲利能力。
- Nor is impossible for a fund of funds to do the legwork to ensure that hedge fund managers possess more than a glittering investment story and a secretive attitude. 基金的基金也并非不可能進(jìn)行相關(guān)調查,確保對沖基金經(jīng)理不僅僅擁有光彩照人的投資故事和行事隱秘的作風(fēng)。
- People should marvel at the difference between the returns of hedge funds and Commodity Trading Advisors (CTAs). 對沖基金和商品交易顧問(wèn)的再現應該讓人們感到吃驚。
- The favorite holdings of hedge funds will keep bearing the brunt of the pain from the shakeout. 對沖基金青睞的企業(yè)仍將是股市動(dòng)蕩中的最大受害者。
- We are not advocating capital controls but are looking for improved transparency,accountability and better supervision of hedge fund operations. 我們并不倡議資金管制,但期望市場(chǎng)運作的透明度提高,并且加強責任的承擔和對對沖基金運作的監管。
- The stock market has plunged, but it is the seesaw effect between the stock market has not been clearly demonstrated, the bond market has not been hedge funds of all ages. 雖然股市大幅下挫,但是其與股市之間的蹺蹺板效應并沒(méi)有得到明顯體現,債市并未因此而受到避險資金的青睞。
- It is commonly assumed that the growth of hedge funds has dispersed market risk.In particular, credit risk has been packaged up and resold. 特別在信用風(fēng)險已經(jīng)被打包并轉售時(shí),人們普遍認為對沖基金的增長(cháng)分散了市場(chǎng)風(fēng)險。