- 普通高校1041所,在校生556萬(wàn)人;56 million students in 1,041 institutions of higher learning;
- 宋代1041到1048年間,畢升發(fā)明了活字印刷術(shù)。Movable type was invented by Pi Sheng in the Sung Dynasty between 1041 and 1048.
- 剛才開(kāi)過(guò)去的是966路車(chē)嗎?Was the bus that just went by a No.966?
- 從1949年至966“文革”前可看作中國舞劇實(shí)驗性時(shí)期The period from 1949 to 1966 when the "Cultural Revolution" started can be regarded as the experimental stage for Chinese dance drama.
- IPv6采用128位地址,理論上它提供了340萬(wàn)億萬(wàn)億萬(wàn)億(3.4×1041)個(gè)主機地址。IPv6 uses 128-bit addresses, offering a theoretical maximum of 340 trillion, trillion, trillion hosts.
- 這個(gè)地點(diǎn)目前位于斯匹次卑爾根島,是挪威境內斯瓦爾巴德群島的一部分,距北極點(diǎn)約600碼(966公里).The site now sits on the island of Spitsbergen, part of the Norwegian-owned Svalbard archipelago, which lies about 600 miles (966 kilometers) from the North Pole.
- 采用群分法(BSA)篩選了1041條RAPD引物,找到了一個(gè)與Ds1基因連鎖的RAPD標記S470.416,與Ds1的遺傳距離為9.2cM。Bulked segregant analysis (BSA) was adapted to identify RAPD markers linked to dwarf gene Dsl. Totally 1041 primers were screened and only one polymorphic band S470.416 was found linked to the Dsl locus with a map distance of 9.2 cM.
- 圣大菲阿根廷東北部一城市,位于薩拉多河沿岸,布宜諾斯艾利斯西北方。它建于1573年,是具多種輕工業(yè)的港口。人口291,966。A city of northeast Argentina on the Salado River northwest of Buenos Aires. Founded in 1573,it is a port with various light industries. Population,291,966.
- 圣大菲阿根廷東北部一城市,位于薩拉多河沿岸,布宜諾斯艾利斯西北方。它建于1573年,是具多種輕工業(yè)的港口。人口291,966A city of northeast Argentina on the Salado River northwest of Buenos Aires. Founded in1573, it is a port with various light industries. Population, 291, 966.
- K介子,一種不穩定的介子,由于高能粒子碰撞,在帶電結構中產(chǎn)生,其質(zhì)量為一個(gè)電子的966倍;或在不帶電的結構中產(chǎn)生,其質(zhì)量為一個(gè)電子的974倍an unstable meson produced either in an electrically charged form with a mass966 times that of an electron or in a neutral form with a mass974 times that of an electron as a result of a high-energy particle collision
- 水土偏重年出生的人,類(lèi)似臨床上稱(chēng)為陰寒濕型、腎陽(yáng)虛型、滯血瘀型體質(zhì)。屬于“升氣”不足,1964年、966年下半年生的不孕癥患者大致屬于此型。Water-Earth type: Yin-Cold-Damp, Sp/ K Yang Def, Qi Stag./ Blood Stasis Insufficiency of Ascending Qi; infertility patients born in’64 and’66 correspond to this patter at large.
- 本論文研究對象為水稻胚乳文庫及其生物信息數據庫和從嘉興市農科院及四川省農科院生物技術(shù)核技術(shù)研究所采集的966個(gè)不同水稻品種胚乳總RNA。In the study, rice endosperm library, its bioinformatics database and 966 different rice endosperm total RNA from Jiaxing Academy of Agricultural Sciences and Institute of Biotechnology and Nuclear Technology, Sichuan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, were used.
- K介子一種不穩定的介子,由于高能粒子碰撞,在帶電結構中產(chǎn)生,其質(zhì)量為一個(gè)電子的966倍;或在不帶電的結構中產(chǎn)生,其質(zhì)量為一個(gè)電子的974倍An unstable meson produced either in an electrically charged form with a mass966 times that of an electron or in a neutral form with a mass974 times that of an electron as a result of a high-energy particle collision.