- Deterrence of aggression also demands forward defense. 制止侵略的措施還需要進(jìn)行前沿防御。
- Militarily, our basic defense strategy is deterrence. 在軍事上,我們的基本防御策略是威懾。
- The Maginot Line marded the final formation of the passive defense strategy. 這一軍事戰略的形成標志是馬其諾防線(xiàn)的修建。
- In peacetime, forward defense also represents a clear manifestation of the U.S. commitment to the common defense. 在和平時(shí)期,前沿防御清楚地表明美國對于共同防御的投人。
- In peacetime,forward defense also represents a clear manifestation of the U.S. commitment to the common defense. 在和平時(shí)期,前沿防御清楚地表明美國對于共同防御的投入。
- Interaction is a new-fashioned network defense strategy, interaction model is footstone of intrusion protection system. 聯(lián)動(dòng)是一種新型的網(wǎng)絡(luò )防護策略,聯(lián)動(dòng)模型是入侵防御體系的基石。
- The designation of Inshore Defense Strategy came from comrade Deng Xiaoping"s instructions. 近海防御戰略的名稱(chēng)來(lái)源于鄧小平同志的指示。
- "The defense strategy that refused to hand the South Koreans over to a totalitarian neighbor helped raise up an Asian Tiger. “當時(shí)拒絕把南韓人民交予集權鄰邦的防御策略產(chǎn)生了今天的亞洲虎-韓國。
- McAfee Entercept4.1 edition and McAfee IntruShield1200 inbreak the requirement that defends the solution accords with active defense strategy. McAfee Entercept4.;1版和 McAfee IntruShield1200入侵防護解決方案都符合主動(dòng)防御戰略的要求。
- The best defensive strategy is the courage to attack yourself. 勇于批判自己,就是最好的防御策略。
- Then at the height of the Cold War in the 1950s and 1960s, the US government made the misguided decision to build highways as a defense strategy, assuming suburbanization would protect the nation from catastrophic loss of life in the event of nuclear war. 然后,在50年代和60年代冷戰高峰時(shí)期,美國政府作出了修建高速公路作為防御戰略的錯誤決定,以為城市郊區化可以在一旦發(fā)生的核戰爭中保護國家免受災難性的人員傷亡。
- Disarmament is a behavior that a nation cuts down original military force and carries out new combination, and is an adjustment of national defense strategy policy and afresh regulation of arm force. 裁軍是指一個(gè)國家對原有武裝力量進(jìn)行削減裁撤并重新進(jìn)行組合的行為,是國家國防戰略政策的調適和武裝力量的重新整合。
- The policy will reimburse the cost of reexamination proceedings initiated by the Named Insured as a defense strategy arising out of a lawsuit for patent/trademark/copyright infringement. 如果保險人要申請重新審查專(zhuān)利、商標或著(zhù)作的所有權,以證實(shí)自己未侵犯他人知識產(chǎn)權時(shí),該保險還會(huì )支付審查費用。
- Oppose a passive, purely defensive strategy and adopt an active, independent strategy. 反對單純防御的消極的作戰方針,采取獨立自主的積極的作戰方針。
- Different defense strategies result in different growth prospects and sustained growth will endogenously induce changes of defense strategies. 政府不同的國防戰略會(huì )導致不同的增長(cháng)圖景,經(jīng)濟持續增長(cháng)將導致國防戰略的內生調整。
- Oppose a passive,purely defensive strategy and adopt an active,independent strategy. 反對單純防御的消極的作戰方針,采取獨立自主的積極的作戰方針。
- My foot caught in a creeper and I pitched forward. 藤蔓纏住我的腳,使我向前倒下。
- Einstein put forward his new theory of relativity. 愛(ài)因斯坦提出了相對論的新學(xué)說(shuō)。
- Let's face it, the Chelsea defensive strategy is without doubt the footballing equivalent of a Venus flytrap. 我們不得不面對,切爾西的防守策略如同一種捕蠅草(豬籠草),這一點(diǎn)無(wú)用置疑。