- Field Storage Location 前方存儲倉庫
- A word that gives the address of a core storage location. 指示詞一個(gè)給出核心存儲的位置的詞
- A place used to hold or produce the address of another storage location. 一種容納或產(chǎn)生另一存儲單元地址的單元或位置。參閱pointer。
- That is the storage location for the received data. 類(lèi)型的數組,它是存儲接收到的數據的位置。
- The address of storage location in real storage. 在實(shí)存(儲器)中的某個(gè)實(shí)際存儲單元的地址。
- The absolute storage location into which a word or the first of a series of contiguous words is loaded. 絕對存儲位置,其中裝入一個(gè)字或是一串相連字的第一個(gè)字。
- The address of a storage location in virtual storage. 虛擬存儲器中存儲單元的地址。
- In data transfers, a register or storage location that receives a data transfer. 在數據傳送中,接收一個(gè)數據傳送的一個(gè)寄存器或存儲地址。
- A main storage location used by timer supervision routines to calculate timer intervals and time of day. 為了計算定時(shí)間隔和每天的時(shí)間,時(shí)鐘管理例行程序所占的一個(gè)主存儲器單元。
- Performs gauging and transferring operations of raw materials, intermediate and finished products to and from rundown tanks, field storage tanks, and terminal facilities. 進(jìn)行測量并從/向規定的設備轉移化學(xué)原料、中間品、成品。
- An arrangement of core storage in which the lowest numbered storage location is the successor of the highest numbered one. 磁芯存儲器的一種編排方式,其中編號最低的存儲單元是編號最高的存儲單元的后續。
- Also mailbox buffer, A storage location for passing terminal-program or program-program data in some multiprogramming systems. 亦即信箱緩沖區,在某些多道程序系統中為傳遞終端和程序之間或程序和程序之間的數據而設立的一種存儲單元。
- Each program had to occupy a single contiguous block of storage locations. 程式載入主記憶體內,它必須占有連續地址的記憶體。
- See the links below for information about connecting your computers or using an intermediary storage location. 有關(guān)連接電腦或使用中間存儲位置的信息,請點(diǎn)按下面的鏈接。
- Exchange 2007 Unified Messaging provides a single storage location for e-mail, voice mail, and fax messages. Exchange 2007統一消息為電子郵件、語(yǔ)音郵件和傳真郵件提供了單獨的存儲位置。
- The process of instructing the program to seek additional instructions from a given storage location. 指示程序從給定的存儲單元尋找另外的指令的過(guò)程。
- Time lag between completion of instruction staticizing and the initiation of the movement of data from its storage location. 從計算機發(fā)出指令到開(kāi)始從存儲器單元傳送數據之間的時(shí)間。
- The field artillery pounded away at the for tress. 野戰炮兵連續炮擊那座要塞。
- An I/O address is a memory storage location for communication between the CPU and different parts of a computer. 一個(gè)輸入/輸出位址是處理器和計算機的不同部份之間的通信的一個(gè)存儲器儲存器位置。
- The basic representation unit in most rule-based expert systems. Similar to variables in traditional data processing, but different in that they may own properties, and do not necessarily represent memory storage locations. 在大多數基于規則的專(zhuān)家系統中的基本表示單元。它類(lèi)似于傳統數據處理中的變量,但有不同之處,屬性可具有性質(zhì),而不一定代表記憶存儲單元。