- Direction of FRS and waling trend of US dollars? 美聯(lián)儲動(dòng)向?美元走勢?
- Finally,steps for the FRS are provided. 最后給出了基于FRS推薦的實(shí)現步驟。
- File Replication Service (FRS) may be slow or fail completely. 文件復制服務(wù)(FRS)可能變得很慢或完全失敗。
- The Preinstall folder is always open when FRS is running. 在FRS運行時(shí),Preinstall文件夾將始終處于打開(kāi)狀態(tài)。
- The FRS (Forward Repair System) is a maintenance shop on wheels. FRS(前線(xiàn)修復系統)是一種可由輪式運輸車(chē)裝載的維修站。
- Cross sensitivity may occur with furosemide and sulfonamides. 兩岸關(guān)系的敏感性,可能會(huì )發(fā)生與速尿和磺胺類(lèi)藥物。
- The safety of furosemide in pregnancy has not been established. 安全速尿在妊娠尚未建立。
- The different type of FRS has different treatment and the prognosis. 不同類(lèi)型真菌性鼻竇炎治療和預后有較大差別。
- Conclusions Inhaled furosemide can prevent and treat chronic asthma. 非老年組的療效與老年組療效基本相同。
- Intravenous administration of furosemide was employed to eliminate the retained urinary FDG activity. 初步影像顯示右腎有異常之葡萄糖積聚,電腦斷層亦無(wú)法完全排除是否為尿液干擾。
- The number of FRS data and control packets sent to all outbound partners associated with this replica set member. 發(fā)送到與這個(gè)復制集成員相關(guān)聯(lián)的所有輸出伙伴的FRS數據或控制數據包的數目。
- The number of times FRS has initiated a read on the NTFRS change log. Each volume has its own change log. 在NTFRS更改日志上FRS初始讀取的次數。每個(gè)卷都有其自己的更改日志。
- Do not place Active Directory or FRS database and log files on NTFS file system compressed volumes. 不要將Active Directory或FRS數據庫和日志文件置于NTFS文件系統壓縮卷上。
- The cumulative number of FRS data or control packets not sent to an outbound partner because of some error condition. 由于某些錯誤狀態(tài),沒(méi)有發(fā)送到輸出伙伴的FRS數據或控制數據包的累計數目。
- The cumulative number of FRS data or control packets received that were out of rev or otherwise malformed. 超出rev或以其它形式出現畸形的FRS數據或控制數據包的累計數目。
- Influence of Mannitol and Furosemide, Alone and in Combination, on Brain Water Content after Fluid Percussion Injury. 甘露醇和速尿單獨或者是聯(lián)合使用對于液壓損傷后大腦含水量的影響。
- From the output, you know the DC is using port 1094 for FRS and 1025, 1029, and 6004 for Active Directory replication. 從輸出中,您了解到DC將端口1094用于FRS,將端口1025、1029和6004用于A(yíng)ctive Directory復制。
- The total number of FRS data and control bytes received by all replica sets on this computer. 在這臺計算機上由復制集接收的FRS數據和控制字節的總數。
- The total number of FRS data and control bytes sent by this replica set member to other members. 在這臺計算機上由復制集發(fā)送的FRS數據和控制字節的總數。
- The total number of FRS data and control bytes sent to the partner associated with this connection. 與這個(gè)連結相關(guān)的已發(fā)送給伙伴的FRS數據和控制字節數的總數。