- 5-287.0nm溴原子共振增強多光子電離的實(shí)驗研究An Experimental Investigation on Resonance Enhanced Multiphoton Ionization of Br in the Range of 279.5-287.0nm
- 曙紅Y(EY)eosinY (EY)
- 三、在EY的面試Interviews in EY
- 寫(xiě)了我為什么申請進(jìn)入EY。I wrote why I apply for EY and why I should apply for EY.
- 查爾斯頓美國西弗吉尼亞的首府和最大城市,位于該州中西部。在18世紀80年代末該城市在李要塞附近發(fā)展起來(lái)。人口57,287。The capital and largest city of West Virginia,in the west-central part of the state. The city grew around the site of Fort Lee in the late1780's. Population,57,287.
- Standard Chartered,KPMG和ey。Standard Chartered, KPMG and EY.
- standardchartered,kpmg和ey。Standard Chartered, KPMG and EY.
- 查爾斯頓美國西弗吉尼亞的首府和最大城市,位于該州中西部。在18世紀80年代末該城市在李要塞附近發(fā)展起來(lái)。人口57,287The capital and largest city of West Virginia, in the west-central part of the state. The city grew around the site of Fort Lee in the late1780's. Population,57, 287.
- 他說(shuō):"你列舉了你為什么申請加入ey的理由。He said," You listed the reasons for applying EY.
- 一九九九年內,本地倫敦金價(jià)在251.7美元至338美元之間上落,一九九九年年底以287.5美元收市,與一九九八年年底的288美元差不多。The price of Loco-London gold moved between US%24251.7 and US%24338.0 in 1999,and closed at US%24287.5 as at end-1999,which was comparable to US%24288 at end-1998.
- 一個(gè)是Standard Chartered,還有一個(gè)就是EY。One is Standard Chartered and the other is EY.
- 他說(shuō): "你列舉了你為什么申請加入EY的理由。He said," You listed the reasons for applying EY.
- 大吉嶺,印度東北部一城鎮,位于喜馬拉雅山脈低處、錫金邊界,處于2,287。5米(7,500英尺)的高度,由于可以博覽干城章嘉峰和珠穆朗瑪峰而成為著(zhù)名的旅游中心。人口57,603a town of northeast India in the lower Himalaya Mountains on the Sikkim border. At an altitude of2,287.5 m(7,500 ft),it is a popular tourist center with commanding views of Mount Kanchenjunga and Mount Everest. Population,57,603
- 世界農業(yè)面對激烈競爭環(huán)境的嚴酷現實(shí),農民生存的最好戰略之一是成為最高經(jīng)濟產(chǎn)量(ey)產(chǎn)者。In the crude reality of the highly competitive environmental scenario facing world agriculture, one of the best strategy for farmer survival is to be a MEY producer.
- 給出了MQW波導具有不同非線(xiàn)性機理時(shí),非線(xiàn)性TM波的色散關(guān)系、磁場(chǎng)(Hx)以及二個(gè)電場(chǎng)(Ey和Ez)的分布。The dispersion relations and magnetic-field (Hx) as well as two electric-field (Ey and Ez) profiles for nonlinear TM waves in MQW waveguides with different nonlinear mechanisms are presented.
- 實(shí)驗結果表明五種染料的光化漂白速率大小順序是藻紅B(ErB)>曙紅Y(EY)>孟加拉玫瑰紅B(RsB)>羅丹明B(RoB)>熒光素(F).The bleaching kinetics of xanthenes dyes followed the order ErB>EY>RsB>RoB>F in presence of an electron donor triethanolamine (TEA).
- 鉀磷研究所/拿大鉀磷研究所(PI/PIC)通過(guò)最高經(jīng)濟產(chǎn)量研究(ey)比較傳統農作措施與充足平衡施肥措施,研究了在大多數省份肥料對作物生產(chǎn)的貢獻。PPI/ PPIC has studied the contribution of fertilizers in numerous provinces through maximum economic yield( MEY) research comparing traditional farming practices to an adequate and balanced fertilization approach to crop production.
- 本文根據麥克斯韋方程組,導出了二維模擬橫磁模式(TM)的Ez,Hx 和Hy 分量,和三維模擬的Ex、Ey、Ez 和Hx、Hy 和Hz 分量的有限差分方案,得到相關(guān)的差分方程組。In this thesis, the finite-difference scheme and equations are derived for 2-dimensional(TM mode) components Ez, Hx and Hy and 3-dimensional components Ex, Ey, Ez, Hx, Hy and Hz based on the Maxwell's Equations.
- 對自制酸性pH滑移劑EY與日產(chǎn)酸性pH滑移劑PC的滑移性能進(jìn)行了對比 ,試驗表明 ,只要在酸性pH滑移劑EY中加入微量催酸劑K ,其滑移性能與日產(chǎn)酸性pH滑移劑PC接近。The shuffling properties of acid pH-shuffling agent EY,which was self-made,and PC,which was made in Japan,are compared in this paper. The experiments show that the shuffling property of EY plus acidifier K is close to that of PC.
- 金頂礦區下第三系云龍組(Ey)可分為E_(y~a)、E_(y~b)、E_(y~c),其中E_(y~b)、E_(y~c)為含礦地層·厚約380米。 含礦地層之上為一套外來(lái)的(推覆)中生代地層。The Eogene Yunlong Formation(Ey) of Jinding ore area is divisible into Ey~a, Ey~b and Ey~c, in which the Eyb and Ey~c are the ore-bea-ring horizons 380m thick and overlaid by a set of allochthonous(overthrus-ting) Mesozoic strata.