- The firm' s headquarters are in London. 總公司設在倫敦.
- The international corporation' s headquarters is / are in Washington. 這家跨國公司的總部設在華盛頓。
- And a solemn military ceremony took place outside the NATO's headquarters. 北約總部的外邊,舉行了嚴肅的軍方的紀念活動(dòng)。
- TBWA's headquarters in New York said it wasn't aware of the campaign. 李岱艾在紐約的總部說(shuō)它不知道該項宣傳活動(dòng)。
- He made the statement from the AU's headquarters in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. 本.;貝拉在埃塞俄比亞首都亞的斯亞貝巴的阿拉伯聯(lián)盟總部發(fā)出上述聲明。
- In the KGB's headquarters on the fringes of Moscow,his skull is stored in the state archive of the Russian Federation. 在莫斯科克格勃總部的秘密檔案柜里保存著(zhù)希特勒的一塊下巴骨,而他的一塊頭骨碎片則被放在俄羅斯聯(lián)邦的國家檔案館里。
- In the KGB's headquarters on the fringes of Moscow, his skull is stored in the state archive of the Russian Federation. 在莫斯科克格勃總部的秘密檔案柜里保存著(zhù)希特勒的一塊下巴骨,而他的一塊頭骨碎片則被放在俄羅斯聯(lián)邦的國家檔案館里。
- CIG's headquarters is in Beijing, and has 3 offices located in Shanghai, Guangzhou and Chongqing. 新意互動(dòng)總部設車(chē)群資訊北京,在上海、重慶、廣州設有分公司。
- The agreement signed last year at the EAC's headquarters in the Tanzanian city of Arusha was a first step. 去年在位于坦桑尼亞的阿魯沙市的總部,東非共同體五國簽署了建立共同商場(chǎng)的協(xié)議。這是東非一體化的重要里程碑。
- NSN's headquarters locate in Finland, its R&D distribute all over the world, and the employees is exceed 60000. 總部設在芬蘭赫爾辛基,研發(fā)及辦公機構遍布全球各地,總員工超過(guò)6萬(wàn)人。
- A suicide car bomb at the gates of NATO's headquarters here Saturday killed seven people and injured nearly 100. 一個(gè)自殺式汽車(chē)炸彈星期六在北約總部門(mén)外爆炸,致使七人死亡,近100人受傷。
- The company’s headquarters is located at Hi-Tech Park of Chongqing New North Zone, with manufacturing bases in Banan, Beibei and Yubei. 耐德總部位于重慶市北部新區高新園,在重慶巴南、北碚、渝北建有生產(chǎn)制造基地。
- The company’s headquarters are in Las Vegas, NV. with branch offices in Orange, CA.;Bentonville, AR.;Guangzhou, China and Hong Kong. 君盛公司總部位于美國內華達州的拉斯維加斯,并在美國阿肯色州的本頓維爾,中國廣州和香港設有分支機構。
- The deal worked out at the AU's headquarters in Addis Ababa follows an agreement earlier in the year to let in a “heavy package” of armoured vehicles and helicopters. 此和約是在非聯(lián)總部亞的斯亞貝巴簽訂的,而在這個(gè)和約年之初還簽訂了一份協(xié)議-允許重型裝甲車(chē)與直升機入境蘇丹。
- At a conference at Microsoft’s headquarters in Redmond, Wash., its general counsel, Bradford L.Smith, said no meetings had been scheduled between the two companies. 在位于華盛頓州列德蒙德的微軟總部的一次會(huì )議上總顧問(wèn)布拉福德 L.;史密斯說(shuō)兩家公司之間還沒(méi)有準備進(jìn)行商談
- In Helsinki, Finland, leaders attending the 38-nation Asia-Europe summit observed two minutes of silence, and a solemn military ceremony took place outside of NATO's headquarters. 在芬蘭首都赫爾辛基,出席亞歐峰會(huì )的38國領(lǐng)導人默哀了兩分鐘,在北大西洋公約組織總部外舉行了莊嚴的軍事儀式。
- Having gathered in the atrium at The FA's Headquarters, fans met with Barwick, Triesman and Capello before sitting down to discuss the issues that mean the most to the supporters. 球迷們于英足協(xié)總部集中,依次會(huì )見(jiàn)了巴維克、特萊斯曼和卡佩羅,此后眾人入座討論了近來(lái)英格蘭球迷急于了解的一系列問(wèn)題。
- At GM's headquarters in Detroit, the main worry was that much of Opel's intellectual property would leak to Gaz, a Russian carmaker which was a partner in the Magna consortium. 設在底特律的通用汽車(chē)總部主要擔心是歐寶大量的知識產(chǎn)權會(huì )泄露到俄羅斯嘎斯汽車(chē)公司去(該公司也是麥格納聯(lián)合收購方的一員)。
- AIU is the overseas property-casualty insurance division of the AIG companies.AIU's headquarters are in New York, and its Greater China headquarters in Hong Kong. 美國美亞保險公司(簡(jiǎn)稱(chēng)“美亞保險”)是美國國際集團在海外經(jīng)營(yíng)產(chǎn)物險及意外責任險的保險機構,總公司設于美國紐約市,其大中華地區總部設于香港。
- BCT's headquarters are located in Beijing, with three offices covering China: Shanghai, Guangzhou,Chengdu. BCT has a professional sales team and nowledgeable engineering team to service our customers. 博賽德公司總部設在北京,在上海、廣州、成都等地設有辦事處或聯(lián)絡(luò )處?,F擁有一批經(jīng)驗豐富、了解分析儀器銷(xiāo)售、維修、應用及其他技術(shù)支持的工程師,保證了服務(wù)質(zhì)量。