- He has changed his stance on monetary union. 他已經(jīng)改變了對貨幣聯(lián)盟的態(tài)度。
- The weekend of 1, 2 and 3 May 1998 will go down in history as the most important milestone on the road to Economic and Monetary Union. 1998年5月1日到3日將作為通往經(jīng)濟與貨幣聯(lián)盟道路上的一個(gè)里程碑而被載入史冊。
- In particular, we are watching with interest the economic convergence for European Monetary Union on 1 January next year. 對於明年一月一日為歐洲貨幣聯(lián)盟而實(shí)施的經(jīng)濟一體化,我們尤感興趣。
- There are deep divisions in the party over European monetary union. 黨內在歐洲貨幣同盟問(wèn)題上存在巨大分歧。
- Optimal Currency Area,European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU),Euro, Practice, Prospects. 最適貨幣區,歐洲經(jīng)濟與貨幣聯(lián)盟(歐盟)歐元,實(shí)踐,前景
- In particular,we are watching with interest the economic convergence for European Monetary Union on 1 January next year. 對于明年一月一日為歐洲貨幣聯(lián)盟而實(shí)施的經(jīng)濟一體化,我們尤感興趣。
- The weekend of 1,2 and 3 May 1998 will go down in history as the most important milestone on the road to Economic and Monetary Union. 1998年5月1日到3日將作為通往經(jīng)濟與貨幣聯(lián)盟道路上的一個(gè)里程碑而被載入史冊。
- The European Monetary Union(EMU) plays a significant role in the economic and social development of the European Community(EC). 歐洲貨幣聯(lián)盟對促進(jìn)歐洲經(jīng)濟和社會(huì )發(fā)展具有重大意義。
- With the launching of the euro in the early 1999, the European Economic and Monetary Union is coming definitively into the third phase. 隨著(zhù)歐元區于1999年正式啟動(dòng),歐洲經(jīng)濟與貨幣聯(lián)盟建設進(jìn)入了實(shí)質(zhì)性的第三階段,它標志著(zhù)歐洲經(jīng)濟一體化又邁向一個(gè)嶄新的時(shí)期。
- During the incorporation of European currencies, European Economic and Monetary Union has an important effect on its members. 在歐洲經(jīng)濟與貨幣一體化聯(lián)盟(EMU)推動(dòng)下,歐元已取代歐元區的各國貨幣,這對于歐盟經(jīng)濟和世界經(jīng)濟都構成巨大的影響。
- The author thinks Euro?s weakness at the beginning resulted from her own some instability and the weak economic strength of EMU(European Economic and Monetary Union). 筆者認為歐元啟動(dòng)初期的疲弱是由其自身所具有的一些不穩定性以及歐盟經(jīng)濟疲軟所造成的。
- There is now a clearer alternative to the US dollar than before monetary union. 歐洲貨幣聯(lián)盟的誕生,為我們帶來(lái)美元以外的一項明顯選擇。
- The European Commission made its first concrete proposal on monetary union. 歐盟委員會(huì )做的第一個(gè)具體建議就是貨幣的統一了。
- The Treaty also set out the economic criteria Member states must meet to complete Europe's economic and monetary union(EMU), the ultimate goal of economic partnership envisaged by the architects of the treaty of Rome. 條約還規定了為實(shí)現歐洲經(jīng)濟貨幣聯(lián)盟,各成員國必須達到的經(jīng)濟指示。歐洲經(jīng)濟貨幣聯(lián)盟是羅馬條約締造者們所憧憬的經(jīng)濟伙伴關(guān)系的最終目標。
- Seen in this light, the potential benefits of economic and monetary union like that adopted in Europe make sense for regions with a high degree of economic integration and interdependence. 由此我們不難想像歐洲這類(lèi)高度經(jīng)濟融合及緊密相依的地區,組成了發(fā)揮經(jīng)濟及貨幣聯(lián)盟所帶來(lái)的潛在益處。
- If you merely want exchange rate stability, forming a monetary union is definitely overkill. 要是組建一個(gè)貨幣聯(lián)盟僅僅是為了求得匯率的穩定,那顯然是小題大做了。
- With the formation of European Economic and Monetary Union and the birth of Euro, the theory of "the Optimum Currency Area" founded by professor Robert Mundell has gained important development. 由美國著(zhù)名經(jīng)濟學(xué)家蒙代爾教授創(chuàng )立的“最優(yōu)貨幣區”理論 ,4 0多年來(lái) ,隨著(zhù)歐洲貨幣聯(lián)盟的形成和歐元的誕生 ,得到了不斷的發(fā)展和完善。
- Yet by the time a 1991 European summit was held in the Dutch city of Maastricht, a plan for economic and monetary union (EMU) was written into a new EU treaty, to be ratified by member states later. 1991年歐洲峰會(huì )在荷蘭的馬斯特里赫特舉行,同時(shí)實(shí)現經(jīng)濟和貨幣聯(lián)盟的計劃也被寫(xiě)入新的歐盟條約,但是稍后有待于成員國批準。
- With euro bills and coins now circulating across much of Europe, the European Monetary Union is fully in place. 隨著(zhù)歐元的紙幣和硬幣在歐洲大部分地區的流通,歐洲貨幣聯(lián)盟已經(jīng)成形。
- A fully operational European Monetary Union does not come, however, with a guarantee of success. 但是,對于成功的承諾并不意味著(zhù)歐洲貨幣聯(lián)盟的政策完全具有可操作性。