- 將該實(shí)現添加到EJB Beans列表中。Work with Object to add the instance to the EJB Beans list.
- 目錄服務(wù)部署策略及JNDI Beans的設計與實(shí)現Deployment of Directory Service and the Design and Realization of JNDI Beans
- 企業(yè)beans允許在部署描述符中聲明不同方法級別的安全特性。Enterprise beans permit various method-level security features to be declared in the deployment descriptor.
- 聲明了beans之后,下一步是為應用程序指出高級別的導航規則。With the beans declared, your next step is to state the high-level navigation rules for the application.
- 我的看法是作一個(gè)概括性的描述,幫助讀者基本了解beans包能做些什么。TODO: My idea is to generally describe the beans package for people to get a basic understanding of what it does.
- 在最高水平,應用程序開(kāi)發(fā)人員可以使用XML、Web 服務(wù)接口或Push Java Beans 編寫(xiě)應用程序。At the top level, the application developer can use XML, the Web Service interface or the Push Java Beans to write applications.
- 在Records Manager中,程序員可以用來(lái)處理電子記錄的組件是Enterprise Java Beans 2.0 EJB 2.0。The components that programmers can use to manipulate electronic records within Records Manager are Enterprise Java Beans 2.0 EJB 2.0.
- 這個(gè)bean需要起作用的其他beans:比如它的合作者(同業(yè)也可以作為屬性或者構造函數的參數)。這個(gè)也被叫做依賴(lài)。Other beans a bean needs to do its work, i. E. Collaborators (also specified as properties or as constructor arguments). These can also be called dependencies.
- 首先介紹了組件技術(shù)的基本概念、研究現狀,對國內外主要的組件系統COM(組件對象模型)、CORBA(通用對象請求代理體系結構)和java beans/EJB/javaRMI做了簡(jiǎn)要介紹,并比較其特點(diǎn)。This paper summarizes these researches, which includes:First, the basic concept of Ihe component technique and the researches status about this are put forward, the brief introduction of popular component systems (COM, CORBA, Javabearis/EJB/JavaRMT) and the compare between their characteristics are provided.