- 超聲心動(dòng)圖評價(jià)Dor法切除左心室室壁瘤術(shù)后對左心室形態(tài)和功能的影響Evaluating effects of Dor operation on left ventricular function and shape by echocardiography
- 琶(mus。instr。)拍to clap
- 笙(mus。instr。)笮board under tiles on roof
- EA組炎癥局部阿片受體(MOR、DOR、KOR)mRNA表達明顯高于模型組的阿片受體mRNA的表達(P<0.01)。The opioid receptors (MOR, DOR, KOR) mRNA expression of EA group was considerabl higher than that of model group (P <0. 01) .
- 篌(mus。instr。)篝bamboo frame for drying clothes
- 琵(mus。instr。)琵琶lute
- 琴(mus。instr。)琴撥plectrum
- 這些結果表明,EA對炎癥痛有確定的鎮痛效應,EA鎮痛時(shí)既可以促進(jìn)炎癥局部EOP的合成和釋放,又可以促進(jìn)MOR、DOR、KOR三種阿片受體mRNA表達。The results showed that EA had definite analgesic effect for inflammatory-pain, promoted syntheses and release of the EOP and promoted the opioid receptors (MOR, DOR, KOR) mRNA in EA analgesia.
- 瑟(mus。instr。)瑟堡Cherboug
- 竺(surname)竽(mus。instr。)笈trunks (for books)
- 免疫組化檢測KOR,MOR,DOR三種受體的陽(yáng)性率分別為76.83%(63/82),85.37%(70/82)和80.49%(66/82),三種指標的陽(yáng)性率差異沒(méi)有明顯的統計學(xué)意義(X~2=1.946,P〉0.05)。The positive rates of KOR, MOR and DOR by immunohistochemistry respectively were 76.83%25(63/82), 85.37%25(70/82) and 80.49%25(66/82).
- 與 S. Furey 取得的 90.3%的分類(lèi)正確率,Ben-Dor取得的 88.7%的分類(lèi)正確率以及 Alon 取得的 87.1%的分類(lèi)正確率相比,本文創(chuàng )建的結腸癌學(xué)習矢量量化預測模型的分類(lèi)性能最佳。7%25 correct rate of Ben-Dor and 87.1%25 correct rate of Alon, the performance of ColonLVQPM is the best.
- Bt-R3受體蛋白的鈣粘蛋白結構域分別與非洲爪蟾(Xenopus laevis)的鈣粘蛋白胞外結構域和小鼠(Mus musculus)的上皮鈣粘蛋白胞外結構域有很高的同源性。The cadherinrepeated domains of Bt- R3 protein share high homology with the cadherin domains from African clawed frog (Xenopus laevis) and E-cadherin (epithelial) from mouse (Mus musculus).
- 此外,過(guò)相接雙星FG Hya的光變曲線(xiàn)還隨時(shí)間變化,這種變化可能是周期性的磁活動(dòng)造成的。 結合測光解和分光解,確定了五個(gè)雙星系統(FG Hya、GR Vir、TV Mus、V410 Aur和XY Boo)的絕對物理參數。For four systems (i.e., FG Hya, IK Per, GSC 0619-0232 and V410 Aur), the asymmetric or distorted light curves are fitted fairly well by the dark-spot model.
- 報道了五種四川省獸類(lèi)新記錄:大耳? Hemiechinus auritus(Gmelin)、擬家鼠 Ratts turkestanicus(Sat-unin)、叢林小鼠 Mus famulus Bonhote、日本蝙蝠 Vespertilio orientalis Wallin、豬尾鼠 Typhlomys cinereus Milne Edwards.Five new records of beasts in Sichuan province are reported in the article. They are Hemiechinus auritus(Gmelin),Rattus turkestanicus (Satunin),Mus famulus Bonhote,Vespertilio Orientalis Wallin,Typhlomys cinereus Milne Edwards.
- 乍晴乍雨