- Wind Profiling with an Eye-Safe Coherent Doppler Lidar System: Comparison with Radiosondes and VHF Radar 安全眼相干多普勒激光雷達系統探測的風(fēng)廓線(xiàn):與無(wú)線(xiàn)電探空和甚高頻雷達的比較
- A novel coherent Doppler lidar (CDL) system based on single-mode fiber (SMF) components and instruments is presented to measure the speed of target. 設計了一種全新的相干多普勒測速激光雷達,該雷達的光路完全由單模光纖器件組成。
- The experimental system is designed for Rayleigh Doppler lidar calibration and the detailed processes are given as well. 設計了對瑞利散射多普勒測風(fēng)激光雷達進(jìn)行校準的實(shí)驗系統,并給出了詳細的校準步驟。
- Simulation of Wake Vortex Detection with Airborne Doppler Lidar. 用機載多普勒激光雷達探測尾旋的模擬。
- Before making wind measurements, it is vital to calibrate the new developed Doppler wind lidar system, which can demonstrate and improve the validity of the lidar system. 摘要在進(jìn)行實(shí)際風(fēng)速測量之前,對于新研制的測風(fēng)激光雷達系統進(jìn)行校準,可以驗證并提高風(fēng)速測量的準確性。
- Micropulse lidar(MPL) is a new type of lidar system. 微脈沖激光雷達(m icropu lse lidar,MPL)是一種新型的激光雷達系統。
- Doppler Lidar Measurements of Turbulent Structure Function over an Urban Area. 都市區域湍流結構函數的多普勒激光雷達觀(guān)測。
- The purpose was to exchange knowledge and experience in the application of LIght Detection And Ranging LIDAR system to weather monitoring. 到訪(fǎng)的目的是就激光雷達系統應用于天氣監測方面交流心得和經(jīng)驗。
- For national need to measure the atmosphere parameters, the new mobile Raman-Mie scattering lidar system has been developed. 摘要 為滿(mǎn)足國家對大氣參數測量的需求,成功研制了新型車(chē)載式大氣探測激光雷達系統。
- This controller is also can be used in the lidar system that use image sensor with shutter.It owns these characteristics: high precision and wide... 該控制器可以勝任多數帶有開(kāi)門(mén)時(shí)間控制的圖象傳感器的激光雷達系統,具有控制精度較高、時(shí)間調節的范圍比較大等特點(diǎn),具有較強的實(shí)用價(jià)值。
- Using dual Fabry-Perot (F-P) interferometer as frequency discriminator, direct-detection Doppler lidar has been becoming a prominent and popular meteorological technique to measure atmospheric winds. 測風(fēng)激光雷達作為一種測速工具,系統的多普勒校準是驗證測量準確性的關(guān)鍵步驟之一。
- By using the extremely sensitive R4632 photomultiplier tube and the photon counting system, the lidar system achieved higher signal to noise ratios of Raman and Rayleigh signals. 為提高瑞利和喇曼微弱回波信號信噪比,采用了極高靈敏度的R4632光電倍增管和光子計數技術(shù);
- The experiments for registering overlapping point cloud data sets collected by a ground-based LiDAR system demonstrates the satisfactory data registration result based on the proposed scheme. 本研究以地面光達多測站之點(diǎn)云資料以前述方法進(jìn)行套合試驗,證實(shí)以三維直線(xiàn)特徵進(jìn)行光達點(diǎn)云資料套合之可行性。
- The parameters of proposed lidar system and model atmosphere are employed to optimize the two spectrum analyzers, then the wind measurement sensitivities and the error profiles are discussed. 使用實(shí)際的激光雷達系統參數和大氣模型參數,對兩個(gè)鑒頻器進(jìn)行了優(yōu)化設計,分析了它們的風(fēng)速測量靈敏度和精度。
- Aerosol measurements in slant range in atmospheric boundary layer are performed by using a mobile pollution detecting lidar system (AML-1).The corresponding data processing method is introduced. 利用自行研制的車(chē)載測污激光雷達系統(AML-1)對大氣邊界層氣溶膠進(jìn)行了斜程探測,并給出了與之相應的數據處理方法。
- The history and current development of airborne Lidar system is expounded, the problems and shortages are pointed out, and the works and achievements interiorly are introduced in detail. 闡述了機載激光雷達系統的發(fā)展歷史和當前的發(fā)展動(dòng)態(tài),指出了存在的問(wèn)題和不足,詳細介紹了我國在這方面所做的工作和已有的成果。
- Estimating Spatial Velocity Statistics with Coherent Doppler Lidar 用相干多普勒雷達估算空間速度統計值
- Welcome to LIght Detection And Ranging LIDAR System 歡迎參觀(guān)激光雷達系統
- Beam scanning and wind field measurement of direct-detection Doppler lidar 直接探測多普勒激光雷達的光束掃描和風(fēng)場(chǎng)測量
- Wind Direct-Detection Doppler Lidar Based on a Multi-Beam Fizeau Interferometer 基于斐索干涉儀的直接探測多普勒測風(fēng)激光雷達