- Domino技術(shù)Domino technology
- 表單的左邊列出了要使用的Domino應用程序。On the left side of the form is listed the Domino application you want to work with.
- Lotus Domino系統實(shí)現似CGI交互的便捷方法A Shortcut Method of Implementing CGI Interaction in Lotus Domino System
- Domino開(kāi)發(fā)人員將很難標識要修改的正確設計元素。Domino developers will have a hard time identifying the correct design elements to modify.
- 這兩個(gè)操作會(huì )使得Domino NSF與數據的實(shí)際狀態(tài)不同步。These two operations will make the Domino NSF be out of sync with the actual state of the data.
- 從Domino/Notes系統的安全策略,到郵件系統的安全設計等。From the safe tactics of Domino/Notes system, to the safe design of the E-mail system etc.
- Process Monitor任務(wù)監控應該作為Domino服務(wù)器環(huán)境一部分運行的進(jìn)程。The Process Monitor task monitors the processes that should be running as part of the Domino server environment.
- 使用選擇性復制公式復制Domino數據庫,其包含所有設計元素,但是不包含數據文檔。Use a selective replication formula to make a replica of your Domino database that includes all the design elements, but does not contain data documents.
- 我們將指出運行在xSeries上的Domino 6.5與運行在Compaq服務(wù)器上的一些不同之處。We will point out a few of the differences on how Domino 6.5 Ran on xSeries versus the Compaq server.
- 目標讀者是對在Notes Domino 7環(huán)境中進(jìn)行效能測試感興趣的系統管理員和設計師。It is intended for system administrators and designers interested in conducting performance tests in their Notes Domino 7 environments.
- 既可以“從頭”創(chuàng )建新的組件,也可以導入已有的Domino數據庫作為構建新組件的起點(diǎn)。You can create new components "from scratch" or import an existing Domino database as a starting point for the new component.
- 因此這些結果應該主要用來(lái)理解Domino發(fā)行版本的性能,但不代表為真實(shí)情況所做的建議。These numbers should therefore be used primarily to understand the relative performance of the Domino releases, and do not represent recommendations for real-world deployment.
- 本文描述AIX平臺上32位應用程序可能具有的段布局,以及Lotus Domino當前使用的布局。This article describes the possible segment layouts for a 32-bit application on the AIX platform as well as the layout that Lotus Domino uses currently.
- 測試使用的并發(fā)模擬用戶(hù)總數為6000,3000個(gè)用戶(hù)的主郵件服務(wù)器定義在一個(gè)Domino服務(wù)器上。The tests were run with 6000 total concurrent simulated users, with 3000 users defined to have their home mail server on each Domino server.
- 接下來(lái)將討論Domino Web Access頁(yè)面內使用的特殊服務(wù)器端標簽,以及在皮膚中使用這些標簽的方法。We ll discuss the special server-side tags used within Domino Web Access pages and the way that they re used in skins.
- 在本文中,我們概述了Domino安全模型和某些特定設置,使Domino Web服務(wù)器在單服務(wù)器環(huán)境中更安全。In this article, we provided an overview of the Domino security model and some specific settings to make the Domino Web server more secure in a single-server environment.
- 為了避免出現這種形式的“電子圈地運動(dòng)”,我們在Domino 7中添加了Limit Future reservations特性。To help prevent this form of "cyber-squatting," we added the Limit Future reservations feature to Domino 7.
- 我們還添加了管理選項,允許禁止存取郵件附件,以及在關(guān)閉所有Domino Web Access視窗時(shí),強制使用者退出。We ve also added administrative options that let you disallow access to mail attachments and to force user logout when all Domino Web Access windows are closed.
- 在這里,可以看到使用Domino 7時(shí),最重要的CPU資源占用下降了28%,同時(shí)網(wǎng)絡(luò )和內存的使用情況幾乎沒(méi)有變化。Here, we can see that the all-important CPU utilization has dropped 28 percent with Domino 7, while network and memory usage remain about the same.
- 所有Domino應用程序共享的程序共享數據從256 MB開(kāi)始,并根據需要增加256 MB的段,直到到達最大空閑段數量。Program shared data shared by all Domino applications starts at 256 MB and grows by 256 MB segments as needed until the maximum number of free segments is reached.